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National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) API

The NCVS RESTful API is a web service that provides criminal victimization data obtained annually from a nationally representative sample of about 90,000 households and 160,000 persons interviewed each year. NCVS data describe the frequency, characteristics and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. The NCVS provides the largest national forum for victims to describe the impact of crime and characteristics of violent offenders. It is one of two primary data collections about crime in the United States and is the only source of data about crimes not reported to the police.

API Access

Click on the 'API endpoints' link below to obtain instructions on using the API and the types of calls that can be made. End-points are available in XML, JSON, and CSV formats. To see descriptions of the dataset variables, click on the "personal" and "household" links in the table below.

API endpoints

Data downloads and variable descriptions

The table below provides dataset variable descriptions and archives of the personal and household victimization datasets in CSV format. Due to the large size of the datasets, calls to the API require specification of a single year. The CSV archives shown below contain data for all the years specified.

Dataset Data archives in .CSV format Variable descriptions

Personal Victimization

Personal victimization includes all violent victimization, rape and sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, simple assault, and personal theft.
1993-2015 | 2006-2015 | 2011-2015 Personal

Household Victimization

Household victimization includes all property victimization, household burglary, motor vehicle theft, and theft.
1993-2015 | 2006-2015 | 2011-2015 Household


Methodology for the NCVS datasets

For codebooks and further details about the NCVS collection, visit the NCVS page at the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD).

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