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Women's Bureau
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Most Common Occupations for Women

Here you will find the most recent annual data for the 25 most common detailed occupations for employed women. The occupations were selected based on the number of women employed (among full-time wage and salary employees). Data presented for these occupations include: total number of women employed, women as a percentage of total employed, median weekly earnings by sex, and women’s earnings as a percentage of men’s. This page is updated annually; sign up to receive e-mail alerts when new or updated content is available.


Chart 1

Text Version of 25 Most common occupations for employed women, (2014 annual averages).

Text Version of Text Version of 25 Most common occupations for employed women, (2014 annual averages)


Chart 2

Text Version of 25 Most common occupations for employed women by median weekly earnings, (2014 annual averages).

Text Version of Median weekly earnings for the 30 leading occupations for employed women, by sex (2013 annual averages)