Landscape view of Rogue Wild and Scenic River, Oregon, photo by Bob Wick, BLM


Welcome to the BLM Oregon-Washington Resource Advisory Council home page. RACs are citizen-based groups that provide advice on the management of public lands and resources. Each RAC consists of 12 to 15 members from diverse interests in local communities, including ranchers, environmental groups, tribes, state and local government officials, academics, and other public land users.

RACs typically meet two to four times per year. Members are selected for their ability to provide informed, objective advice on a broad array of public lands issues and their commitment to collaboration in seeking solutions to those issues.

Members are appointed to three-year terms and may be reappointed to consecutive terms. Council members must be residents of Oregon or Washington, depending on the RAC. Members serve without salary but are reimbursed travel expenses.

Please contact the Oregon-Washington RAC Coordinator at for further information. 

Center Content: 

Local Councils and Committees

Oregon RAC map

Visit the webpages for district advisory councils and temporary committees through the links below.

Western Oregon RACs

Eastern Oregon RACs

Washington RACs