Download Tables of Multifactor Productivity Measures
for Major Sectors and Manufacturing

Multifactor Productivity and Related Measures

Multifactor Productivity tables

Capital tables

Historical series

Total Economy Tables

Total economy production account measures are a product of a collaboration between the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of Economic Analysis to expand and improve the integration of the national income and product accounts and productivity statistics. See "Integrated GDP-Productivity Accounts," (PDF 182K), by Michael J. Harper, Brent R. Moulton, Steven Rosenthal, and David B. Wasshausen. December 2008. Presented at the American Economic Association Meetings in January 2009.

Additional Available Measures

Multifactor productivity, output, capital, labor, and other inputs are developed using detailed measures at a lower level of aggregation. While these detailed measures are used to produce reliable measures at higher levels of aggregation, the detailed NIPA-level industry measures can be used to construct productivity measures of inconsistent quality at the NIPA industry level. However, these measures may be suitable for other uses or as qualitative indicators.

The following measures can be obtained by calling the appropriate contacts or by e-mailing your request.

  • Hours and compensation for manufacturing and non-manufacturing NIPA-level industries (2002 NAICS)

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Last modified: June 29, 2012