Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Gulf of Mexico Leasing MapThe Gulf of Mexico Region manages the responsible development of oil and gas and mineral resources for the 430 million acres in the seven planning areas on the OCS comprising the Gulf of Mexico Region and the Atlantic Region. The Gulf’s Central and Western Planning areas, offshore Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, remain the Nation’s primary offshore source of oil and gas, generating about 97% of all OCS oil and gas production. Regional offices oversee lease management, exploration and development plans, geological and geophysical analysis and permitting, environmental analysis, assessment and studies, resource evaluation and coastal restoration projects.

Gulf of Mexico Platform at Sunset  

The Oil and Gas (Conventional Energy) program, administered by the Leasing and Plans Office is responsible for conducting oil and gas lease sales, the adjudication of all lease-related documents and procedures, and ensuring fiscal responsibility in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic OCS Area. Thorough reviews of exploration and development plans are conducted by using stringent environmental and safety requirements.

Gulf of Mexico map   Ensuring the greatest return on investment for American taxpayers remains a priority for the Office of Resource Evaluation by determining the fair market value on the tracts that received bids in GOM lease sales. The region has prepared reports providing detailed analysis of resource inventory and assessments. Regional geoscientists and engineers perform G&G regulatory reviews on activities conducted under OCS operators’ Plans of Exploration, Development and Operations Coordination Document, or Application for Permit to Drill and independently verify Worst Case Discharge volumes used in these applications.

GOM-Underwater-Diving   The Office of Environment employs applied science to protect the Gulf and Atlantic environments by preparing various environmental impact statements (EIS) and assessments that are required by law. Under the NEPA process, public participation is sought in the preparation of these documents. Gulf scientists are managing critical research projects and publish Environmental Studies on topics including marine biology, archaeology, physical oceanography, air quality, socioeconomics, and fates and effects, as well as studies related to the marine mineral program and the renewable energy program.