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F&E: Facilities and Equipment (FAA17) (FAA7) (FAA19)

F&PB: Family and Personal Business travel (FHWA19)

F-SHRP: Future Strategic Highway Research Program (FHWA18)

FA: Federal-aid (FHWA18)

FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (BTS10)

FAAAC: FAA Aeronautical Center (FAA19)

FAACIS: FAA Communications Information System (FAA20)

FAASTeam: FAA Safety Team (FAA20)

FAASV: Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (MTMC1)

FAATC: Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center (FAA20)

FAATSAT: Federal Aviation Administration Telecommunications Satellite (FAA20)

FAC: Foreign Air Carrier (FAA1)

FAC: Final Approach Course (FAA16)

FAC: Facility (FAA20)

FACA: Federal Advisory Committee Act (DOT2)

Face Line: A line used from head of boat to the tow. (TNDOT1)

Face Up: To make-up the towboat to the tow (i.e., maneuver barges into position and secure for towing). (TNDOT1)

Face Wires: Heavy cables securing boat to tow (i.e., pusher to barge). (TNDOT1)

Facility: All or any portion of buildings, structures, sites, complexes, equipment, roads, walks, passageways, parking lots, or other real or personal property, including the site where the building, property, structure, or equipment is located. (49CFR37)

Facing Movement: The movement of a train over the points of a switch which face in a direction opposite to that in which the train is moving. (49CFR236)

Facing Point Lock Plunger: [with respect to rail operations] That part of a facing point lock which secures the lock rod to the plunger stand when the switch is locked. (49CFR236)

Facing Point Switch: [with respect to rail operations] A switch, the points of which face traffic approaching in the direction for which the track is signaled. (49CFR236)

Factory Investigative Audit: The presence of the Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection (OCMI) and other Coast Guard personnel at a manufacturing facility to gather information and evidence to prove or disprove violations of the statutes, or to investigate potential defects which may present substantial risks of personal injury. (USCG1)

FACUTL: Facility Utilization System (FAA20)

FADE: FAA Airline Data Exchange (FAA17)

FAF: Final Approach Fix (FAA20)

FAHP: Federal-Aid Highway Program (FHWA21)

Fahrenheit: A temperature scale on which the boiling point of water is at 212 degrees above zero on the scale and the freezing point is at 32 degrees above zero at standard atmospheric pressure. (DOE5)

FAI: Federal Aid Interstate (FHWA19)

FAIR: Feedback, Assistance, Inclusion, and Respect (FHWA16)

Fair Market Value: The value of a vehicle as stated by the National Automotive Dealers Association (NADA) or other sale publication. For vehicles under the 3-year replacement cycle, Fair Market Value is the average loan indicated in the appropriate NADA publication. (GSA2)

Fairly Close: As close to the shore, dike, or light as practicable (approximately 150 feet off). (TNDOT1)

FAIRS: Federal Aircraft Management Information System (FAA20)

FAK: Freight All Kinds (USTTA1)

Falling River: The river condition when gage readings are decreasing day by day. (TNDOT1)

FAME: Freeway and Arterial Management Effort (FHWA15)

FAMIS: Federal Air Marshal Information System (FAA20)

FANS: Future Air Navigation System (FAA17)

FAP: Final Approach Point (FAA20)

FAP: Federal-Aid Primary (FHWA19)

FAPA: Future Airline Pilots of America (BTS)

FAPG: Federal-aid Policy Guide (FHWA18)

FAPM: FTS2000 Associate Program Manager (FAA20)

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (FAA20)

FAR: Federal Aviation Regulations (FAA20)

FAR: Federal Acquisition Regulations (NHTSA7)

FARA: Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FTA5)

FARE: Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Elements (FTA3)

Fare: The required payment for a ride on a public transportation vehicle. It may be paid by any acceptable means, for example, cash, token, ticket, transfer, farecard, voucher, or pass or user fee. (TRB1)

Fare Evasion: The unlawful use of transit facilities by riding without paying the applicable fare. (FTA1)

Fare Recovery Ratio: The ratio of fare revenue to operating expenses. (TRB1)

FARM: Fielded Automation Requirements Management (FAA20)

Farm Vehicle Driver: A person who drives only a motor vehicle that is 1) Controlled and operated by a farmer as a private motor carrier of property; 2) Being used to transport either agricultural products, or farm machinery, farm supplies, or both, to or from a farm; 3) Not being used in the operation of a for-hire motor carrier; 4) Not carrying hazardous materials of a type or quantity that requires the vehicle to be placarded in accordance with 49 CFR 177.823 and 5) Being used within 150 air-miles of the farmer's farm. (49CFR390)

Farm-To-Market Agricultural Transportation: The operation of a motor vehicle controlled and operated by a farmer who: 1) Is a private motor carrier of property; 2) Is using the vehicle to transport agricultural products from a farm owned by the farmer, or to transport farm machinery or farm supplies to or from a farm owned by the farmer; and 3) Is not using the vehicle to transport hazardous materials of a type or quantity that require the vehicle to be placarded in accordance with 49 CFR 177.823. (49CFR390)

FARS: Fatal Accident Reporting System (BTS10)

FARS: Fatality Analysis Reporting System Database (BTS11)

FAS: Free Alongside Ship (DOE3) (DOE8)

FAS: Federal-Aid Secondary (FHWA19)

FAS: Free Alongside Ship (TNDOT1)

FASAB: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (DOT1)

FASB: Financial Accounting Standards Board (DOT1)

FASC: FAA Aviation Safety Center (FAA20)

FAST: Final Approach Spacing Tool (BTS10)

FAST: Free and Secure Trade (FMCSA2)

FAST: Focused Advertising Sampling Technique (FAST Marketing) (NHTSA7)

Fast File: A system whereby a pilot files a flight plan via telephone that is tape recorded and then transcribed for transmission to the appropriate air traffic facility. Locations having a fast file capability are contained in the Airport/Facility Directory. (FAA4)

FAST-TRAC: Faster and Safer Travel/Traffic Routing and Advanced Control (FHWA15)

Fatal Accident: 1) A motor vehicle traffic accident resulting in one or more fatal injuries. 2) An accident for which at least one fatality was reported. (FHWA1) (FHWA4) (FHWA5)

Fatal Accident: Statistics reported to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) shall conform to the 30-day rule, i.e., a fatality resulting from a highway vehicular accident is to be counted only if death occurs within 30 days of the accident. (FHWA2)

Fatal Accident Rate: The fatal accident rate is the number of fatal accidents per 100 million vehicle miles of travel. (FHWA5)

Fatal Alcohol Involvement Crash: A fatal crash is alcohol-related or alcohol-involved if either a driver or a non motorist (usually a pedestrian) had a measurable or estimated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.01 grams per deciliter (g/dl) or above. (NHTSA3)

Fatal Crash (Highway): A police-reported crash involving a motor vehicle in transport on a trafficway in which at least one person dies within 30 days of the crash as a result of that crash. (BTS11)

Fatal Injury: Any injury which results in death within 30 days of the accident. (FHWA5) (NTSB1) (NTSB2)

Fatal Injury (Air): Any injury that results in death within 7 days of the accident. (BTS11)

Fatal Plus Nonfatal Injury Accidents: The sum of all fatal accidents and nonfatal-injury accidents. (FHWA5)

Fatality: For purposes of statistical reporting on transportation safety, a fatality shall be considered a death due to injuries in a transportation crash, accident, or incident that occurs within 30 days of that occurrence. (BTS11)

Fatality (Rail): 1) Death of any person from an injury within 30 days of the accident/incident (may include nontrain accidents/incidents); or 2) Death of a railroad employee from an occupational illness within 365 days after the occupational illness was diagnosed by a physician. (BTS11)

Fatality (Recreational Boating): All deaths (other than deaths by natural causes) and missing persons resulting from an occurrence that involves a vessel or its equipment. (BTS11)

Fatality (Transit): A transit-caused death confirmed within 30 days of a transit incident. Incidents include collisions, derailments, personal casualties, and fires associated with transit agency revenue vehicles, transit facilities on transit property, service vehicles, maintenance areas, and rights of way. (BTS11)

Fatality (Water): All deaths and missing persons resulting from a vessel casualty. (BTS11)

Fatality Rate: The average number of fatalities which occurred per accident or per one hundred accidents. (FHWA2)

Fatality Rate: The fatality rate is the number of fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles of travel. (FHWA5)

Fatality/Injury: Refers to the average number of fatalities and injuries which occurred per one hundred accidents. Frequently used as an index of accident severity. (FHWA4)

FATO: Final Approach and Takeoff Area (OST3)

FAU: Federal-aid urban (FHWA18)

FAUA: Federal-Aid Urbanized Area (FHWA19)

Fault of Operator: Speeding; overloading; improper loading, not properly seating occupants of boat; no longer lookout; carelessness; failure to heed weather warnings; operating in a congested area; not observing the Rules of the Road; unsafe fueling practices; lack of experience; ignorance of aids to navigation; lack of caution in an unfamiliar area of operation; improper installation or maintenance of hull, machinery or equipment; poor judgment; recklessness; overpowering the boat; panic; proceeding in an unseaworthy craft; operating a motorboat near persons in the water; staring engine with clutch engaged or throttle advanced; irresponsible boat handling such as quick, sharp turns. (USCG2)

FAUS: Federal-aid urban system (FHWA18)

FAX: Facsimile Equipment (FAA20)

FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation (BTS10)

FBL: Flight-By-Light (OST3)

FBO: Fixed Base Operator (FAA17)

FBS: Fall Back Switch (FAA20)

FBSA: Federal Boating Safety Act of 1971 (USCG1)

FBT: Full Berth Terms (TNDOT1)

FBW: Fly-By-Wire (OST3)

FBWT: Fund Balance with Treasury (DOT1)

FCC: Federal Communication Commission (FRA5)

FCI: Functional Capacity Index (NHTSA7)

FCL: Full Container Load (MARAD2)


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