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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1910
• Part Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards
• Subpart: H
• Subpart Title: Hazardous Materials
• Standard Number: 1910.119 App A
• Title: List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics and Reactives (Mandatory).
• GPO Source: e-CFR

This Appendix contains a listing of toxic and reactive highly hazardous chemicals which present a potential for a catastrophic event at or above the threshold quantity.

                                |            |
  CHEMICAL NAME                 |   CAS*     |    TQ**
                                |            |
Acetaldehyde                    |    75-07-0 |    2500
Acrolein (2-Popenal)            |   107-02-8 |     150
Acrylyl Chlorde                 |   814-68-6 |     250
Allyl Chlorid                   |   107-05-1 |    1000
Allylamine                      |   107-11-9 |    1000
Alkylaluminum                   |    Varies  |    5000
Ammonia, Anhydrous              |  7664-41-7 |   10000
Ammonia solutions (greater      |            |
 than 44% ammonia by weight)    |  7664-41-7 |   15000
Ammonium Perchlorate            |  7790-98-9 |    7500
Ammonium Permanganate           |  7787-36-2 |    7500
Arsine (also called             |            |
 Arsenic Hydride)               |  7784-42-1 |     100
Bis(Chloromethyl) Ether         |   542-88-1 |     100
Boron Trichloride               | 10294-34-5 |    2500
Boron Trifluoride               |  7637-07-2 |     250
Bromine                         |  7726-95-6 |    1500
Bromine Chloride                | 13863-41-7 |    1500
Bromine Pentafluoride           |  7789-30-2 |    2500
Bromine Trifluoride             |  7787-71-5 |   15000
3-Bromopropyne (also            |            |
 called Propargyl Bromide)      |   106-96-7 |     100
Butyl Hydroperoxide             |            |
 (Tertiary)                     |    75-91-2 |    5000
Butyl Perbenzoate               |            |
 (Tertiary)                     |   614-45-9 |    7500
Carbonyl Chloride               |            |
 (see Phosgene)                 |    75-44-5 |     100
Carbonyl Fluoride               |   353-50-4 |    2500
Cellulose Nitrate (concentration|            |
 greater than 12.6% nitrogen    |  9004-70-0 |    2500
Chlorine                        |  7782-50-5 |    1500
Chlorine Dioxide                | 10049-04-4 |    1000
Chlorine Pentrafluoride         | 13637-63-3 |    1000
Chlorine Trifluoride            |  7790-91-2 |    1000
Chlorodiethylaluminum           |            |
 (also called                   |            |
 Diethylaluminum Chloride)      |    96-10-6 |    5000
1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene     |    97-00-7 |    5000
Chloromethyl Methyl Ether       |   107-30-2 |     500
Chloropicrin                    |    76-06-2 |     500
Chloropicrin and Methyl         |            |
 Bromide mixture                |     None   |    1500
Chloropicrin and Methyl         |            |
 Chloride mixture               |     None   |    1500
Cumene Hydroperoxide            |    80-15-9 |    5000
Cyanogen                        |   460-19-5 |    2500
Cyanogen Chloride               |   506-77-4 |     500
Cyanuric Fluoride               |   675-14-9 |     100
Diacetyl Peroxide               |            |
 (concentration greater         |            |
 than 70%)                      |   110-22-5 |    5000
Diazomethane                    |   334-88-3 |     500
Dibenzoyl Peroxide              |    94-36-0 |    7500
Diborane                        | 19287-45-7 |     100
Dibutyl Peroxide                |            |
 (Tertiary)                     |   110-05-4 |    5000
Dichloro Acetylene              |  7572-29-4 |     250
Dichlorosilane                  |  4109-96-0 |    2500
Diethylzinc                     |   557-20-0 |   10000
Diisopropyl Peroxydicarbonate   |   105-64-6 |    7500
Dilauroyl Peroxide              |   105-74-8 |    7500
Dimethyldichlorosilane          |    75-78-5 |    1000
Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1-         |    57-14-7 |    1000
Dimethylamine, Anhydrous        |   124-40-3 |    2500
2,4-Dinitroaniline              |    97-02-9 |    5000
Ethyl Methyl Ketone Peroxide    |            |
 (also Methyl Ethyl Ketone      |            |
 Peroxide; concentration        |            |
 greater than 60%)              |  1338-23-4 |    5000
Ethyl Nitrite                   |   109-95-5 |    5000
Ethylamine                      |    75-04-7 |    7500
Ethylene Fluorohydrin           |   371-62-0 |     100
Ethylene Oxide                  |    75-21-8 |    5000
Ethyleneimine                   |   151-56-4 |    1000
Fluorine                        |  7782-41-4 |    1000
Formaldehyde (Formalin)         |    50-00-0 |    1000
Furan                           |   110-00-9 |     500
Hexafluoroacetone               |   684-16-2 |    5000
Hydrochloric Acid, Anhydrous    |  7647-01-0 |    5000
Hydrofluoric Acid, Anhydrous    |  7664-39-3 |    1000
Hydrogen Bromide                | 10035-10-6 |    5000
Hydrogen Chloride               |  7647-01-0 |    5000
Hydrogen Cyanide, Anhydrous     |    74-90-8 |    1000
Hydrogen Fluoride               |  7664-39-3 |    1000
Hydrogen Peroxide (52% by       |            |
 weight or greater)             |  7722-84-1 |    7500
Hydrogen Selenide               |  7783-07-5 |     150
Hydrogen Sulfide                |  7783-06-4 |    1500
Hydroxylamine                   |  7803-49-8 |    2500
Iron, Pentacarbonyl             | 13463-40-6 |     250
Isopropylamine                  |    75-31-0 |    5000
Ketene                          |   463-51-4 |     100
Methacrylaldehyde               |    78-85-3 |    1000
Methacryloyl Chloride           |   920-46-7 |     150
Methacryloyloxyethyl Isocyanate | 30674-80-7 |     100
Methyl Acrylonitrile            |   126-98-7 |     250
Methylamine, Anhydrous          |    74-89-5 |    1000
Methyl Bromide                  |    74-83-9 |    2500
Methyl Chloride                 |    74-87-3 |   15000
Methyl Chloroformate            |    79-22-1 |     500
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide    |            |
 (concentration greater         |            |
 than 60%)                      |  1338-23-4 |    5000
Methyl Fluoroacetate            |   453-18-9 |     100
Methyl Fluorosulfate            |   421-20-5 |     100
Methyl Hydrazine                |    60-34-4 |     100
Methyl Iodide                   |    74-88-4 |    7500
Methyl Isocyanate               |   624-83-9 |     250
Methyl Mercaptan                |    74-93-1 |    5000
Methyl Vinyl Ketone             |    79-84-4 |     100
Methyltrichlorosilane           |    75-79-6 |     500
Nickel Carbonly (Nickel         |            |
 Tetracarbonyl)                 | 13463-39-3 |     150
Nitric Acid (94.5% by           |            |
 weight or greater)             |  7697-37-2 |     500
Nitric Oxide                    | 10102-43-9 |     250
Nitroaniline (para              |            |
 Nitroaniline                   |   100-01-6 |    5000
Nitromethane                    |    75-52-5 |    2500
Nitrogen Dioxide                | 10102-44-0 |     250
Nitrogen Oxides (NO; NO(2);     |            |
 N2O4; N2O3)                    | 10102-44-0 |     250
Nitrogen Tetroxide (also        |            |
 called Nitrogen Peroxide)      | 10544-72-6 |     250
Nitrogen Trifluoride            |  7783-54-2 |    5000
Nitrogen Trioxide               | 10544-73-7 |     250
Oleum (65% to 80% by weight;    |            |
 also called Fuming Sulfuric    |            |
 Acid)                          |  8014-95-7 |    1000
Osmium Tetroxide                | 20816-12-0 |     100
Oxygen Difluoride (Fluorine     |            |
 Monoxide)                      |  7783-41-7 |     100
Ozone                           | 10028-15-6 |     100
Pentaborane                     | 19624-22-7 |     100
Peracetic Acid (concentration   |            |
 greater 60% Acetic Acid; also  |            |
 called Peroxyacetic Acid)      |    79-21-0 |    1000
Perchloric Acid (concentration  |            |
 greater than 60% by weight)    |  7601-90-3 |    5000
Perchloromethyl Mercaptan       |   594-42-3 |     150
Perchloryl Fluoride             |  7616-94-6 |    5000
Peroxyacetic Acid (concentration|            |
 greater than 60% Acetic Acid;  |            |
 also called Peracetic Acid)    |    79-21-0 |    1000
Phosgene (also called Carbonyl  |    75-44-5 |     100
 Chloride)                      |            |
Phosphine (Hydrogen             |            |
 Phosphide)                     |  7803-51-2 |     100
Phosphorus Oxychloride (also    |            |
 called Phosphoryl Chloride)    | 10025-87-3 |    1000
Phosphorus Trichloride          |  7719-12-2 |    1000
Phosphoryl Chloride (also called|            |
 Phosphorus Oxychloride)        | 10025-87-3 |    1000
Propargyl Bromide               |   106-96-7 |     100
Propyl Nitrate                  |   627-3-4  |    2500
Sarin                           |   107-44-8 |     100
Selenium Hexafluoride           |  7783-79-1 |    1000
Stibine (Antimony Hydride)      |  7803-52-3 |     500
Sulfur Dioxide (liquid)         |  7446-09-5 |    1000
Sulfur Pentafluoride            |  5714-22-7 |     250
Sulfur Tetrafluoride            |  7783-60-0 |     250
Sulfur Trioxide (also called    |            |
 Sulfuric Anhydride)            |  7446-11-9 |    1000
Sulfuric Anhydride (also        |            |
 called Sulfur Trioxide)        |  7446-11-9 |    1000
Tellurium Hexafluoride          |  7783-80-4 |     250
Tetrafluoroethylene             |   116-14-3 |    5000
Tetrafluorohydrazine            | 10036-47-2 |    5000
Tetramethyl Lead                |    75-74-1 |    1000
Thionyl Chloride                |  7719-09-7 |     250
Trichloro (chloromethyl)        |            |
 Silane                         |  1558-25-4 |     100
Trichloro (dichlorophenyl)      |            |
 Silane                         | 27137-85-5 |    2500
Trichlorosilane                 | 10025-78-2 |    5000
Trifluorochloroethylene         |    79-38-9 |   10000
Trimethyoxysilane               |  2487-90-3 |    1500
 Footnote* Chemical Abstract Service Number
 Footnote** Threshold Quantity in Pounds (Amount necessary to be
covered by this standard.)

[57 FR 7847, Mar. 4, 1992; 76 FR 80738, Dec. 27, 2011]

Next Standard (1910.119 App B)

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents

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