Pacific OCS Region Environmental Studies

The Environmental Studies Program in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region has funded a diverse array of applied and basic research about the marine, coastal, and human environments offshore California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii.  The environmental, social, and economic information garnered from Environmental Studies Program studies informs decisions about OCS energy programs in the Region, which stretches from the U.S.-Mexico border to the U.S.-Canada border and includes the OCS of Hawaii.  Since the Environmental Studies Program's inception in 1973, more than 310 Pacific studies have been conducted at a cost of more than $142 million.  While many of these studies have been conducted to inform decisions about oil and gas development on the California OCS, regional study priorities have expanded to address information needs regarding renewable energy development throughout the Region. 

Current Studies   

Current Pacific studies include ongoing and planned new studies.  Each study is described in a study profile, which outlines the information needs to be addressed; estimated cost; period of performance; conducting organization and principal investigator (for ongoing studies); BOEM contact; study background, objectives, and methods; study status; expected date of final report; and any associated publications and websites.

Completed Studies & Reports

Completed Pacific studies are documented in technical summaries and final reports that can be accessed from the Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS), an online searchable database.  ESPIS contains reports from regional studies (managed by BOEM staff in the Alaska, Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Regions) and reports from programmatic studies (managed by BOEM headquarters staff). 

Studies Plans
A Studies Development Plan (SDP) is prepared annually as part of the national planning process for the Environmental Studies Program.  SDPs provide an overview of regional energy activities and projected information needs, and propose studies for funding in future fiscal years.