Federal Aviation Administration

PFC Process

Central Region

The following represents the signficant steps that are necessary when requesting PFC funding for a project.

Formulation of PFC Projects

  • Public agency develops a list of projects that will include PFC funds.
  • FAA meets with public agency on PFC projects, consultation, process etc...(optional).
  • Public agency develops project description and financial data.
  • Public agency notifies air carriers of consultation meeting.

Consultation Meeting

  • Public Agency holds consultation meeting - Agency must conduct meeting 30-45 days after date of notification.
  • Air carriers provide certification of agreement/disagreement no later than 30 days after consultation meeting.

PFC Application

  • Public agency prepares and submits PFC application
    • FAA reviews draft application (optional, but recommended for quicker review and approval).
  • FAA receives final PFC application.

FAA Actions

  • FAA Determines if Application is Substantially Complete - This must occur within 30 days of receipt.
  • Airport Notification of Supplement to FAA - This must be made within 15 days of completeness finding (as needed).
  • FAA Review Period - This ends 120 days from date of receipt of application.
  • FAA Files Notice for publication in Federal Register.
  • Public Comment period ends 30-days after publication of notice.
  • FAA (Region) prepares prepared Record of Decision if theere is no controversy.
  • FAA (Washington) prepares Record of Decision if there is controversy.
  • Application is approved/disapproved by Associate Administrator for Airports or Regional Division Manager on or before end of 120 day period.

Approved PFC Applications

  • Airport notifies air carriers of approval and informs them to begin collection.
  • Collection begins on 1st day of month, at least 60 days from carrier notification.
  • Air carriers remit PFCs to airport monthly.
  • Quarterly report filed by airport with FAA.


If you require additional information regarding application of a PFC within the FAA Central Region, please contact the Central Region PFC Specialist.

Page Last Modified: 07/23/12 13:54 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/central/pfc/pfc_process/