The Washington Post

How will the new president do it?

Any foreign-policy bargains Trump might want to strike would be far-fetched and risky.

Loosening silencer laws would quiet the lifesaving noise firearms make.

  • Robert J. Spitzer
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  • 20 hours ago
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His angry speech backfired by fueling his opposition.

Instead of making a much-needed goodwill gesture, he talked about his own sacrifices.

It’s no Occupy … they hope.

When the new president says the government is the problem, he means all government but himself.

Trump’s inauguration showed us what he really cares about — and how to turn the tables on him.

Obama envisioned a similarly dismal America in 2009.

The retired general is surrounding himself with “his battle buddies,” and some people are worried.

That will determine whether Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds belong there.

The president eschewed the usual themes and instead delivered a forceful, dark vision of an isolationist America.

  • Michael Waldman
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  • 2 days ago
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There’s a heartfelt reason I’m attending this event against indignities women experience.

  • Charles Ikins
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  • 2 days ago
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The District is praying up a storm.

Let’s hope the new president is wiser and less impetuous than the candidate many came to fear.

Our country’s ideals are earning boos and jeers.

President Trump’s isolationism is recipe for disaster and America’s decline as a world power.

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The District should not shelter criminal undocumented immigrants.

A new book details the Catholic Church’s tolerance of abuse.

Many bills are killed on unrecorded voice votes, without any accountability for legislators.

epa05739145 People arrive on the mall for the Million Woman March in Washington, DC, USA, 21 January 2017. Protest rallies were held in over 30 countries around the world in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington in defense of press freedom, women's and human rights following the official inauguration on 20 January of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America in Washington, USA. EPA/JOHN TAGGART
epa05739145 People arrive on the mall for the Million Woman March in Washington, DC, USA, 21 January 2017. Protest rallies were held in over 30 countries around the world in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington in defense of press freedom, women's and human rights following the official inauguration on 20 January of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America in Washington, USA. EPA/JOHN TAGGART
You simply cannot believe what Trump says. But that doesn't mean you can't figure out what he's up to.

The impact of Republicans' war on Obamacare will likely be worse than anyone expects.

  • David Himmelstein, Steffie Woolhandler
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  • 6 hours ago
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The Trump administration is going to force conservatives into some revealing choices.

His predecessors tried to inspire. He focused on "American carnage."

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The administration seems poised to further unleash the agency's paramilitary branch.
  • 3 days ago

No, he doesn’t have the worst record on civil rights — but he’s no champion, either.

  • Richard Fording
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  • 3 days ago
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The ultimate microeconomics: One job, and one tweet, at a time.

  • Heidi N. Moore
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  • 3 days ago
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A dangerous new trend in political attack.

Wealthy Americans have served the country well. But usually they have a record of putting the greater good above self-interest.

  • Brooke Harrington
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  • 4 days ago
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Massoud Barzani talks with the Post about beating the Islamic State and forging a separate path for his people.

  • Lally Weymouth
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  • 4 days ago
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Every executive since Washington has recognized the branding power of the painting.

  • Paul Staiti
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  • 6 days ago
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A teaching method obsesses over our differences.

  • Mike Gonzalez
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  • 2 days ago
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You have to start at the state legislature.

  • Kara Moran
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  • 2 days ago
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Organizers should engage the public early, and get people excited, connected and ready to participate.

  • Don Neal
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  • 2 days ago
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The experience was not what we expected.

  • Stephen Samuels, Joanna Pratt
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  • 2 days ago
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Privacy and safety of transgender people are at risk under his proposed bill.

  • Sara Queen
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  • Jan 13
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