General Information

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  • INNOVATION MEETS BUSINESS at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

  • WE GRANT LICENSES for our intellectual property to existing and start up companies.

  • WE SEEK FUNDING from experienced investors to develop our intellectual assets.

For Industry


Brookhaven National Laboratory's Office of Technology Commercialization and Partnerships manages and advances the commercialization of cutting-edge discoveries and technologies by fostering collaborations with industry through licensing and sponsored research.

Brookhaven's state of the art facilities are available to industry for research and development in such diverse fields as biology and medicine, chemistry and environmental sciences, physics and material science.

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For Entrepreneurs and Investors


Brookhaven National Laboratory encourages the spirit of entrepreneurship and actively promotes the formation of start-up companies around technologies developed here. We grant licenses and take equity in new ventures arising from our discoveries. We seek funding from credible, experienced investors for developing the intellectual assets as they make their way toward the marketplace.

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For BNL Inventors


Have you discovered or invented something as a BNL researcher? Protect your discovery by filing a Record of Invention form. The form alerts both BNL and the Department of Energy to new discoveries and enables a patent application to be filed to claim them.

The Office of Technology Commericalization and Partnerships helps BNL inventors protect and commercialize their inventions and can help you secure external sources of research funding.

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Technology Commercialization and Partnerships is an Office within Brookhaven's Global and Regional Solutions Directorate.

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