Working Papers

Please see to view the BLS Working Paper Series.

Anthony J. Barkume

Keenan M. Dworak-Fisher

  • Encouraging Participation in 401(k) Plans:  Reconsidering the Employer Match,” BLS Working Paper No. 420, November 2008.

  • "Details of Plan Generosity Among 401(k) Plans Having Employer Matches, 2002-2003," March 2007
  • "Local Labor Market Effects of Industrial Demand Shocks - Aircraft Manufacturing in the 1990s" (with John Bound) - presented at the 2006 Western Regional Science Association Annual Meetings.
  • "New Evidence on the Determinants of 401(k) Participation" - presented at the 2005 American Economics Association Annual Meetings.
  • Journal Publications by Keenan M. Dworak-Fisher

Maury Gittleman

  • "Pay for Performance and Compensation Inequality: Evidence from the ECEC," with Brooks Pierce, presented at BLS-Census workshop, June 2012.
  • ""Inter-Industry Compensation Differentials," with Brooks Pierce, April 2012.
  • " “Inheritances and the Distribution of Wealth, or Whatever Happened to the Great Inheritance Boom " (with Edward N. Wolff), presented at the Conference on Household Finance and Consumption Luxembourg, October 25-26, October 25-26, 2010
  • Journal Publications and BLS Publications by Maury Gittleman

Michael K. Lettau

Thomas G. Moehrle

Nicole Nestoriak

  • "Measuring the Real Output of Medical Care Services" (with Ana Aizcorbe), presented at NBER/CRIW Summer 2006
  • "Endogenous Technology and Local Labor Market Skill," April 2006
  • "Firm Performance, Workforce Quality and Workforce Churning," (with B. Campbell, H. Chiang, J. Haltiwanger, L. Hunter, R. Jarmin, T. Park, and K. Sandusky), mimeo, 2004, presented at the NBER/CRIW, July 2004; and ASSA Annual Meeting, January 2004.
  • "Internal Labor Markets and Diversification Strategies in Financial Services," (with H. Chiang, C. Grim, J. Haltiwanger, L. Hunter, R. Jarmin, K. Sandusky, and J. Seo), mimeo, 2004, presented at the NBER/CRIW, July 2004.
  • Journal Publications and BLS Publications by Nicole Nestoriak


Last Modified Date: December 19, 2012