Atlantic G&G Permitting

BOEM-0327 Currently Submitted Atlantic OCS Region Permits

Visit BOEM’s comment dockets for the Atlantic G&G Permit Applications at
Atlantic Permit Applications

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Atlantic Permitting Process diagram The Atlantic Permitting Process provides a step-by-step flow chart displaying each aspect of the process. A deliberate, careful environmental analysis is conducted before a permit is issued. While there is no timeline associated with the review, BOEM is committed to ensuring the safety of the marine environment.

Section 7 Consultation with NMFS

The existing Atlantic geological and geophysical (G&G) programmatic biological opinion (BiOp) from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was finalized on July 19, 2013 (the “G&G Atlantic BiOp”). It covers both Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and Bureau Safety Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) actions for G&G activities across all three of BOEM’s program areas (oil and gas, renewable energy, and marine minerals) in the Mid- and South Atlantic Planning Areas from 2013-2020. BOEM and BSEE have reinitiated Section 7 consultation and requested conference with NMFS in the Atlantic for G&G activities in light of the following: 

  • Final rule designating critical habitat for the Northwest Atlantic distinct population segment (DPS) of loggerhead sea turtles (79 FR 39855);
  • Final rule listing the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico DPS of scalloped hammerhead shark as endangered (79 FR 38213);
  • Proposed rule to expand designated critical habitat for the North Atlantic Right Whale (80 FR 9314);
  • Proposed listing of the following species under the ESA: (i) Caribbean electric ray (79 FR 4877); (ii) dwarf seahorse (77 FR 25687); (iii) bigeye thresher shark (80 FR 48061); (iv) common thresher shark (80 FR 11379); (v) porbeagle shark (80 FR 16356); (vi) smooth hammerhead shark (80 FR 48053); (vii) humpback whale (80 FR 22304); (vii) and green sea turtle (80 FR 51763); and
  • New information available since the issuance of the G&G Atlantic BiOp.