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BLM volunteer introduces wild burro to young girl. BLM photo


Volunteers help the Wild Horse and Burro Program to promote adoptions of wild horses and burros and to educate the public about these amazing animals.  There are many ways to volunteer, including helping with adoption events; mentoring new adopters; and conducting compliance checks to make sure newly adopted animals are in good care.
To find volunteer opportunities in the Wild Horse and Burro Program, contact a BLM Office near you. Examples of some of the work our volunteers do can be found below.

Adoption Events

Skilled volunteers can help the program by showcasing adopted and trained animals at adoption events.  This helps those considering adoption to appreciate the beauty of these animals.  With training, wild horses can become as accomplished as domestic equines in any discipline.  Sharing your experiences and pictures of your animal with prospective adopters can also help them as they decide if adoption is right for them.  A wide range of photos can be helpful, including those depicting training, grooming, hoof care, veterinary care, and trail-riding. 

Helping spread the word about adoption events is another great volunteer contribution.  All promotional activities must be approved and coordinated through the Public Affairs Specialist assigned to each adoption.

Adopter’s Assistants (Mentors)

New adopters often benefit from mentoring and assistance from an experienced adopter.  There are a variety of ways to provide support, guidance, and encouragement to new adopters.  Being a mentor can help make a new adoption a success.

Compliance Checks

This is a demanding, but important, volunteer opportunity.  Compliance checks involve communicating with adopters and informing them of any areas of non-compliance; helping to correct any problems; and arranging follow-up inspections.  Volunteers also work closely with compliance officers to generate compliance reports. 

BLM Facilities

Volunteers conduct tours at some BLM facilities.  Tour participants may range from one person who is interested in adoption, to large groups.  Volunteers who conduct tours need to have a thorough understanding of the Wild Horse and Burro Program and the facility where they conduct tours.  This role sometimes entails assisting adopters in selecting animals and connecting them with mentors, veterinarians, farriers and other services to help make the adoption a success.


Another way to support the Wild Horse and Burro Program is by making a donation.

The Save the Mustangs Fund was established in May 2005 by the Ford Motor Company in collaboration with the BLM and Take Pride in America.  The fund was created to accept donations to help raise public awareness of the urgency of wild horse and burro issues, and to find good homes for the animals.  All donations are tax deductible. Submit to:

BLM, Save the Mustangs Fund
1849 C Street, NW, Room 5273
Washington, D.C. 20240

Please make your checks payable to: "Save the Mustangs Fund."