Hosting Organization:  


  • Ecological Drought in the North Central United States

    As part of a national effort, the North Central Climate Science Center put together a workshop report on Ecological Drought in the North Central United States to help chart the way forward in climate and drought research and planning. <<Read More>>

  • Open Science Conference

    The 2015 Open Science Conference offered an opportunity for stakeholders, managers, tribal leaders, and research scientists to collaborate on climate science in the north central region. To learn about objectives, outcomes, and insights from conference attendees, watch the video! <<Learn More>>

  • Early Career Climate Forum

    The Early Career Climate Forum was created to provide young professionals with a platform to share ideas, resources, and opportunities across the different Climate Science Center domains. <<Read More>>

  • NC CSC Announces 2015 Funded Projects

    The North Central Climate Science Center is excited to announce the five projects selected for funding in 2015, each of which will research regionally specific climate-related challenges and offer insight to land and resource managers in the north central region <<Read More>>

  • NC CSC Publishes Five Year Science Agenda

    The North Central Climate Science Center's Five Year Science Agenda for 2012-2017 is now published and available.<<Read More>>

  • Interactions between the natural world and humans effects

    Natural parks provide a window into nature and a pause from the daily life grind. Yet as climate change impacts natural resources, these escapes are changing as well. Learn about the program Leigh Welling implemented through NPS to study and teach mitigation tactics. <<Read More>>

  • Communication is Key: Fostering Growth for the Next Generation

    Dennis Ojima, NC CSC Colorado State University director is connecting todays climate-science progress with tomorrows leadership through communication and investing in students and young professionals. <<Read More>>





The NC CSC is one of eight regional climate centers created by the US Department of Interior to help meet the changing needs of land and resource managers across the US. The Center brings together the latest data, tools, and knowledge on the impacts of climate change, and works directly with resource managers to promote climate-informed conservation and provides researchers an opportunity to work with an engaged and proactive applied management community. 

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The NC CSC is hosted by a consortium of nine institutions which provide expertise in climate science, ecology, impacts assessment, modeling, urban environments, and advanced information technology. This expertise is needed to deal with climate issues in the North Central US, where changes in temperature and precipitation could have significant effects environmental communities across the region.

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REVAMP Climate


The ReVAMP concept will ultimately serve as an operational resource available to resource managers interested in developing plans that respect the dynamic and changing climate. Through this model, we will focus on three critical elements:

  • Climate
  • Impacts
  • Adaptation

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University Consortium



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