Program Offices

The Alaska Outer Continental Shelf encompasses the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, the Bering Sea, Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. BOEM's Alaska Region Office is responsible for managing the development of oil, natural gas, renewable energy and mineral resources on Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf in an environmentally and economically responsible way.


  • Environmental Sciences Management: Prioritizes, funds, and administers environmental research projects needed to inform decision makers about potential impacts to the human, marine, and coastal environment.
  • Environmental Analysis: Conducts environmental impact assessments in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for OCS activities such as lease sales, exploration plans, or applications to conduct seismic surveys. The Environmental Analysis sections are also responsible for completing other assessments and consultations in compliance with other applicable environmental laws.
  • Leasing: Implements the Department of the Interior's Five-Year OCS Program within the Alaska OCS Region. The section ensures that the requirements and procedures of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) are followed in the preparation and conduct of sales listed in the Five-Year Program.
  • Plans: Manages all Exploration Plans, and Development and Production Plans, within the Alaska OCS Region.
  • Resource Evaluation: Investigates the mineral potential of the OCS (mainly for oil and gas), and ensures that the federal government receives fair market value for OCS oil and gas leases that it awards to private firms through a competitive bidding process. Resource Evaluation also regulates the collection of geological and geophysical data offshore (private companies doing seismic research, for example).
  • Tribal and Community Liaison: The Alaska Region is committed to maintaining open and transparent communications with key stakeholders, including Alaska Native Organizations and Tribal Governments. To that end, it employs a dedicated Tribal and Community Liaison to coordinate community meetings, public hearings and other special activities.


Alaska OCS Region
3801 Centerpoint Dr Ste 500
Anchorage AK  99503-5820

Main Phone Number: 907-334-5200
Main Fax Number: 907-334-5202