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BEA Working Papers

This page provides links to research papers and analytical presentations prepared by BEA staff. The category includes papers that might be developed into formal papers or presentations at later dates. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format.

The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

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Home Productivity (WP2013-3) (PDF)
by Benjamin Bridgman | February 2013
by Carol Robbins, Olympia Belay, Matthew Donahoe, Jennifer Lee | December 2012
by Benjamin Bridgman | January 2013
by Abe Dunn, Eli Liebman, and Adam Hale Shapiro | November 2012
by Abe Dunn, Eli Liebman, and Adam Hale Shapiro | November 2012
by Abe Dunn, Eli Liebman, and Adam Hale Shapiro | November 2012
by Allison B. Rosen, Eli Liebman, Ana Aizcorbe, and David M. Cutler | June 2012
by Abe Dunn and Adam Hale Shapiro | April 2012
by Dennis Fixler and Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy | February 2012
by Rebecca Bess and Zoë O. Ambargis | March 2011
by Bettina Aten, Eric Figueroa and Troy Martin | February 2012
by Marilyn Ibarra-Caton | January 2012
by Troy Martin, Bettina Aten, and Eric Figueroa | October 2011
by Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy | February 2011
by Abe C. Dunn, Adam Shapiro, and Eli Liebman | July 2011
by Zoë O. Ambargis, Thomas McComb, and Carol A. Robbins | June 2011
by Michael S. Christian | July 2011
by Matthew J Osborne, and Nathan H. Miller | May 2011
Tables (XLS)

by Bettina Aten, Eric Figueroa and Troy Martin
| April 2011
by Raymond J. Mataloni Jr. | April 2011 (Updated July 2011)
by Ana Aizcorbe, Ralph Bradley, Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Brad Herauf, Richard Kane, Eli Liebman, Sarah Pack, Lyubov Rozental | February 2011
By Abe Dunn, Eli Liebman, Sarah Pack, Adam Shapiro | September 2010
by Marco Cornia, Kristopher S. Gerardi, Adam Hale Shapiro | November 2010
by Benjamin Bridgman | September 2010
by Micah Hartman (CMS), Robert Kornfeld (BEA), and Aaron Catlin (CMS) | September 2010
by Abe Dunn | September 2010
by Adam Hale Shapiro and Ana Aizcorbe | August 2010
by Adam Copeland and Adam Hale Shapiro | August 2010
by Ana Aizcorbe and Nicole Nestoriak | July 2010
by Carol A. Robbins, Mary L. Streitwieser, and William A. Jolliff | July 2010
by Ana Aizcorbe, Eli Liebman, Sarah Pack, David M. Cutler, Michael E. Chernew, Allison B. Rosen | June 2010
by Benjamin Bridgman | April 2010
News, Noise, and Estimates of the "True" Unobserved State of the Economy (WP2010-04)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 381 KB) | Supplementary Appendix (PDF • 142 KB)
by Dennis J. Fixler and Jeremy J. Nalewaik | First Draft: August 2004 | Updated: March 2010
Human Capital Accounting in the United States: 1994 to 2006 (WP2010-03)
Full Paper (PDF • 153 KB)
This research was conducted under contract to the BEA as part of ongoing research into human capital accounts. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.
by Michael S. Christian | February 2010
Price Indexes for Drugs: A Review of the Issues (WP2010-02)
Full Paper (PDF • 189 KB)
by Ana Aizcorbe, Nicole Nestoriak | February 2010
The Rise of Vertical Specialization Trade (WP2010-01)
Full Paper (PDF • 196 KB)
by Benjamin Bridgman | January 2010
Metropolitan Area Disposable Personal Income – Methodology and Results for 2001-2007 (WP2009-05)
Full Paper (PDF • 277 KB) | Results Table (XLS Spreadsheet • 848 KB)
by Ann E. Dunbar | July 2009
Declines in the Volatility of the US Economy; A Detailed Look (WP2009-04)
Full Paper (PDF • 165 KB)
by Bruce T. Grimm and Brian K. Sliker | May 2009
Accrual Measures of Pension-Related Compensation and Wealth of State and Local Government Workers (WP2009-03)
Full Paper (PDF • 154 KB)
by David G. Lenze | August 2009 Updated!
Measuring the Price of Research and Development Output (WP2009-02)
Full Paper (PDF • 312 KB)
by Adam Copeland and Dennis Fixler | February 2009
Terms of Trade Effects: Theory and Methods of Measurement (WP2009-01)
Full Paper (PDF • 324 KB)
by Marshall Reinsdorf | October 2009 Updated!
Seasonality and Prepackaged Software Price Indexes (WP2008-07)
Full Paper (PDF • 211 KB)
by Adam Copeland | August 2008
Do Intangible Assets Explain High U.S. Foreign Direct Investment Returns? (WP2008-06)
Full Paper (PDF • 237 KB)
by Benjamin Bridgman | September 23, 2008
Accounting for Obsolescence: An Evaluation of Current NIPA Practice (WP2008-05)
Full Paper (PDF • 308 KB)
by Arnold J. Katz | May 12-17, 2008
Prepared for presentation at The 2008 World Congress on National Accounts for Nations | Arlington, VA
The Importance of Pricing the Bundle of Treatments (WP2008-04)
Abstract (PDF • 51 KB) | Full Paper (PDF • 162 KB) | Appendix (XLS Spreadsheet • 57 KB)
by Ana Aizcorbe and Nicole Nestoriak* | July 2008
*Bureau of Labor Statistics
State-Level Wage AGI Gap for Tax Years 2000-2002 (WP2008-03)
Abstract (PDF • 11 KB) | Full Paper (PDF • 111 KB) | Results (XLS Spreadsheet • 57 KB)
by Robert L. Brown and Ann E. Dunbar | July 2008
Metropolitan Area Disposable Personal Income: Methodology and Results for 2001-2004 (WP2008-02)
Abstract (PDF • 78 KB) | Full Paper (PDF • 1254 KB) | Results (XLS Spreadsheet • 424 KB)
by Ann E. Dunbar | June 2008
State Retirement Income Estimates and an Alternative Measure of State Personal Income (WP2008-01)
Abstract (PDF • 7 KB) | Full Paper (PDF • 137 KB)
by David G. Lenze | April 2008
Estimates of State Price Levels for Consumption Goods and Services: a first brush (WP2007-06)
Full Paper (PDF • 241 KB)
by Bettina H. Aten | October 2007
Implementing a Reconciliation and Balancing Model in the U.S. Industry Accounts (WP2007-05)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 298 KB)
by Dylan G. Rassier, Thomas F. Howells III, Edward T. Morgan, Nicholas R. Empey, and Conrad E. Roesch | September 2007
An Empirical Comparison of Methods for Temporal Distribution and Interpolation at the National Accounts (WP2007-04)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 968 KB)
by Baoline Chen | August 2007
How Should Inventory Investment be Measured in National Accounts? (WP2007-03)
Full Paper (PDF • 166 KB)
by By Marshall Reinsdorf and Jennifer Ribarsky | July 2007
The Statistical Discrepancy (WP2007-02)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 173 KB)
by Bruce T. Grimm | March 2007
Intermittent Purchases and Welfare-Based Price Deflators for Durable Goods (WP2007-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 164 KB)
by Ana Aizcorbe and Adam Copeland | February 2007
A Balanced System of Industry Accounts for the U.S. and Structural Distribution of Statistical Discrepancy (WP2006-8)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 306 KB)
by Baoline Chen | November 6-10, 2006
Prepared for the 10th OCED-NBS Workshop on National Accounts | Paris, France
Private Nonresidential Building and Apartment Prices (WP2006-7)
Full Paper (PDF • 966 KB)
Section 1 (PDF • 947 KB) | Section 2 (PDF • 1358 KB) | Section 3 (PDF • 197 KB) | Section 4 (PDF • 155 KB) | Section 5 (PDF • 88 KB) | Section 6 (PDF • 88 KB)
by Leonard Loebach | November 2006
Concepts and Methods of the U.S. Input-Output Accounts (WP2006-06)
Full Manual (PDF • 3221 KB)
by Karen J. Horowitz and Mark A. Planting | September 2006
The Feasibility of Producing Personal Income to Adjusted Gross Income (PI-AGI) Reconciliations by State (WP2006-05)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 157 KB) | Tables in this paper (XLS • 30 KB)
by Robert L. Brown, Ann E. Dunbar, and Adrienne T. Pilot | January 2006
Metropolitan Area Disposable Personal Income - Methodology and Results for 2001-2002 (WP2006-04)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 174 KB) | Tables in this paper (XLS • 645 KB)
by Ann E. Dunbar | April 2006
Linking Frascati-based R&D Spending to the System of National Accounts (WP2006-03)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 250 KB)
by Carol Robbins | March 2006
Prepared for the Conference of the Group on Measurement of Non-financial Assets (Canberra II), March 29th - April 1, 2005 | Canberra, Australia
R&D Expenditures for the U.S.: A Frascati to System of National Accounts Application to U.S. Data (WP2006-02)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 555 KB)
by Carol A. Robbins | March 2006
Prepared for the Conference of the Group on Measurement of Non-financial Assets (Canberra II), March 29th - April 1, 2005 | Canberra, Australia
The Response of Prices, Sales, and Output to Temporary Changes in Demand (WP2006-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 257 KB)
by Adam Copeland and George Hall | January 2006
Report on Interarea Price Levels (WP2005-11)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 479 KB)
by Betina H. Aten | November 2005
Evaluating and Adjusting for Chain Drift in National Economic Accounts (WP2005-10)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 1402 KB)
by Christian Ehemman | December 2005
Chain Drift in Leading Superlative Indexes (WP2005-09)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 1988 KB)
by Christian Ehemman | December 2005
Moore's Law, Competition and Intel's Productivity in the Mid-1990s (WP2005-08)
Full Paper (PDF • 179 KB)
by Ana Aizcorbe | September 2005
Why Are Semiconductor Price Indexes Falling So Fast?: Industry Estimates and Implications for Productivity Measurement (WP2005-07)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 739 KB)
by Ana Aizcorbe | September 2005
Differences in Hedonic and Matched-Model Price Indexes: Do the Weights Matter? (WP2005-06)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 541 KB)
by Ana Aizcorbe and Yvon Pho | September 2005
Alternative Measures of U.S. Economic Activity in Business Cycles and Business Cycle Dating (WP2005-05)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 81 KB)
by Bruce Grimm | August 2005
Further Integrating BEA's Economic Accounts: Introducing Annual Input-Output Estimates into the Gross State Product by Industry Accounts (WP2005-04)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 861 KB)
by John Sporing, Jr., George K. Downey, and John R. Kort | April 2005
International Trade and Economic Growth: A Possible Methodology for Estimating Cross-Border R&D Spillovers (WP2005-03)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 163 KB)
by Lawrence R. McNeil and Barbara M. Fraumeni | March 4, 2005
Presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research Productivity Meeting | Cambridge, MA
Another Look At Nonresidential Building Prices (WP2005-02)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 151 KB)
by Leonard J. Loebach | February 2005
The Effects of the Quality Adjustment Method on Price Indices for Digital Cameras (WP2005-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 496 KB)
by Kari Manninen | February 2005
Moore's Law and the Semiconductor Industry: A Vintage Model (WP2004-10)
Full Paper (PDF • 439 KB)
by Ana Aizcorbe and Samuel Kortum | December 2004
Using Efficiency Tests to Reduce Revisions in Panel Data: The Case of Wage and Salary Estimates for U.S. States (WP2004-09)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 271 KB)
by Jeremy J. Nalewaik | April 2004
News, Noise, and Estimates of the "True" Unobserved State of the Economy (WP2004-08)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 381 KB) | Supplementary Appendix (PDF • 142 KB)
by Dennis J. Fixler and Jeremy J. Nalewaik | First Draft: August 2004 | Updated: March 2010
The Effects of Low-Valued Transactions on the Quality of U.S. International Export Estimates, 1994-1998 (WP2004-07)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 114 KB)
by Charles Ian Mead | July 2004
Offshore Outsourcing and Multinational Companies (WP2004-06)
Presentation (PDF • 149 KB) | More information on Offshore Outsourcing and Multinational Companies
by J. Steven Landefeld and Raymond J. Mataloni | June 22, 2004
Presented at the Brookings Institution
“Offshoring” and the U.S. Balance of Payments (WP2004-05)
Presentation (PDF • 105 KB) | More information on Offshore Outsourcing and Multinational Companies
by Ralph H. Kozlow and Maria Borga | June 22, 2004
Presented at the Brookings Institution
Current Consumption and Future Income Growth: Synthetic Panel Evidence (WP2004-04)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 284 KB) | Data Appendix (PDF • 72 KB)
by Jeremy J. Nalewaik | First Draft: February 2004 | Updated: December 2004
Volunteer Output and the National Accounts: An Empirical Analysis (WP2004-03)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 372 KB)
by Yvon H. Pho | February 20-22, 2004
Presented at the 2004 Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting | Washington, DC
International Fragmentation of Production and the Intrafirm Trade of U.S. Multinational Companies (WP2004-02)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 180 KB)
by Maria Borga and William J. Zeile | Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 7-8, 2003 | Paris, France, November 3-4, 2003
Presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research/Conference on Research in Income and Wealth meeting on Firm-level Data, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment | Cambridge, Massachusetts
Presented at the OECD Committee on Industry and Business Environment/Working Party on Statistics Session on Globalization | Paris, France
Reliability of the State Personal Income Estimates (WP2004-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 459 KB)
by Robert L. Brown, Bruce T. Grimm, and Marian B. Sacks | January 2004
New Quality Adjusted Price Indexes for Nonresidential Structures (WP2003-03)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 138 KB)
by Bruce T. Grimm | October 27-28, 2003
Presented at the IMF/BIS Conference on Real Estate Indicators and Financial Stability | Washington, DC
A Computational Routine for Disaggregating Industry Margin Data to Estimate Product Margin Rates (WP2003-02)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 426 KB)
by Matthew D. Atkinson | Fall 2003
Presented at the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology Research Conference | Washington, DC
Revisions, Rationality, and Turning Points in GDP (WP2003-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 386 KB)
by Dennis J. Fixler and Bruce T. Grimm | January 3-5, 2003
Presented at the session "Tracking the Turning Points in the Economy," AEA meetings | Washington, DC
An Analysis of the Composition of Intermediate Inputs by Industry (WP2002-05)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 772 KB)
by Erich H. Strassner and Brian C. Moyer | October 10-15, 2002
Presented at the 14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques | Montreal, Canada
Increasing the Timeliness of U.S. Annual I-O Accounts (WP2002-04)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 300 KB)
by Mark A. Planting and Jiemin Guo | October 10-15, 2002, Montreal, Canada | November 2001, Charleston, South Carolina
Presented at the 14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques | Montreal, Canada
Presented at the International Regional Science Annual Meeting | Charleston, SC
From Make-Use to Symmetric I-O Tables: An Assessment of Alternative Technology Assumptions (WP2002-03)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 435 KB)
by Jiemin Guo, Ann M. Lawson, and Mark A. Planting | October 10-15, 2002
Presented at the 14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques | Montreal, Canada
Information Processing Equipment and Software in the National Accounts (WP2002-02)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 151 KB)
by Bruce T. Grimm, Brent R. Moulton, and David B.Wasshausen | April 26-27, 2002
Presented at the Conference on Measuring Capital in the New Economy, sponsored by the NBER/CRIW | Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
R&D in the National Income and Product Accounts: A First Look at its Effect on GDP (WP2002-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 656 KB)
by Barbara M. Fraumeni and Sumiye Okubo | April 26-27, 2002
Presented at the Conference on Measuring Capital in the New Economy, sponsored by the NBER/CRIW | Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
Investigating Convergence of the U.S. Regions: A Time-Series Analysis (WP2001-02)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 323 KB)
by Richard E. Kane | June 31-June 2, 2001
Presented at the Annual Conference of the Mid-Continent Regional Science Association | Duluth, MN
Expansion Strategies of U.S. Multinational Firms (WP2001-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 218 KB)
by Gordon H. Hanson, Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr., and Matthew J. Slaughter | May 10-11, 2001
Presented at the Brookings Trade Forum 2001 | Washington, DC
Using Input-Output Analysis to Measure U.S. Economic Structural Change Over a 24 Year Period (WP2000-01)
Abstract | Full Paper (PDF • 409 KB)
by Jiemin Guo and Mark A. Planting | August 21-25, 2000
Presented at the 13th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques | Macerata, Italy