United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Shipping Requirements

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Materials Packages

Before any shipment can occur, the shipper is required to review the package certificate of compliance (CoC) to determine if any testing or maintenance is required. The shipper may be required to check or change package seals and other components or perform leak testing. In addition, the shipper must take radiation measurements at specific locations on and around the package to make sure that the levels are below the required limits.

The shipper must also meet the Department of Transportation's requirements for shipment of the nuclear material including route selection, vehicle condition and placarding, driver training, package marking, labeling, and other shipping documentation.

Spent Nuclear Fuel

Certain specific requirements apply to shippers of spent nuclear fuel.

  • A shipper must use NRC-approved highway routes for transport of spent nuclear fuel.
  • The shipper must make sure that spent fuel is protected against radiological sabotage. Shippers who transport or deliver spent fuel to a carrier for transport are required to meet specific requirements that include--
    • notifying NRC of the shipment,
    • having procedures for addressing emergencies,
    • having a communications center, having a written log of shipment events,
    • making arrangements with local law enforcement agencies for shipments while en route, and
    • using armed escorts in heavily populated areas.
  • The time and date of the shipment must be protected as sensitive safeguards information to guard against any act that could threaten the shipment.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, December 21, 2012