Alaska CSC

Alaska landscape with snow covered mountains

Alaska is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the United States. The rapid changes to Alaska represent challenges - and opportunities.
The Alaska CSC provides scientific information that is needed to effectively manage natural and cultural resources and build resilient communities.

For more information, visit the Alaska CSC website

Explore AK CSC science projects

Region Map

Map of the Alaska CSC region


Stephen T. Gray
USGS Director, AK CSC
U.S. Geological Survey

T. Scott Rupp
University Director, AK CSC
University of Alaska Fairbanks


University of Alaska - Fairbanks (Host)
University of Alaska - Anchorage

Key Documents and Reports

Cover page of AK CSC 2014-2015 Annual ReportStrategic Plan

Annual Report 2013-2015
Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report 2011-2012
Annual Report 2010-2011



Photo on page: Alaska Landscape, by Shawn Carter