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Industry Economic Accounts

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Industry

Annual Industry Accounts

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Industry

Input-Output (I-O) Accounts

Benchmark Input-Output Accounts

Benchmark Input-Output (I-O)

Capital Flow

Integrated Industry-Level Production Account

Note: Updated statistics for the Integrated Industry-Level Production Account were released on January 13, 2017, in order to incorporate a correction to the data on labor hours by industry for the period 1998-2014. Within the publication files, changes are primarily to estimates related to labor?including labor compensation, labor hours quantity indexes, labor input quantity indexes, and labor contributions to gross output and value added growth.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the U.S. territories

Satellite Accounts

Arts and Cultural Production

Innovation Account

Health Care Satellite Account

Travel and Tourism


Supplemental Statistics

Underlying detail

Previously Published Estimates

The following records contain historical data and have since been revised. Please contact the Industry program area with questions.