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2015-2017 Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Members

2015-2017 Advisory Board Chair and Vice Chair

2015-2017 Advisory Board Members

Rafael L. Bras
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology
More about Rafael L. Bras
Carol M. Browner
Senior Counselor, Albright Stonebridge Group
More about Carol M. Browner
Michael Greenstone
Professor of Economics and Director of the Energy Policy Institute, University of Chicago
More about Michael Greenstone
Paula T. Hammond
David H. Koch Professor in Engineering and Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT
More about Paula T. Hammond
Shirley Ann Jackson
President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Former Chairman, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
More about Shirley Ann Jackson
Steven E. Koonin
Director - NYU's Center for Urban Science & Progress and Former Under Secretary for Science
More about Former Under Secretary Koonin
J. Michael McQuade
Senior Vice President, Science and Technology - United Technologies Corporation
More about J. Michael McQuade
Dr. Richard A. Meserve
President Emeritus, Carnegie Institution for Science and Former Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
More about Dr. Richard A. Meserve
Richard W. Mies
CEO and President, The Mies Group, LTD
More about Richard W. Mies
Dan Reicher
Executive Director of the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance at Stanford University
More about Dan Reicher
Carmichael Roberts
General Partner, North Bridge Venture Partners
More about Carmichael Roberts
Gary Samore
Executive Director for Research, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
More about Gary Samore
Linda Stuntz
Founding Partner, Stuntz, Davis & Staffier, P.C.
More about Linda Stuntz
Harold Varmus
Lewis Thomas University Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College
More about Harold Varmus