V2V communications can help drivers avoid crashes on busy streets Anonymous data from vehicles with V2V capabilities can enable  a wide range of new technologies that can improve safety, mobility, and our environment? V2V communications allow vehicles to be continuously aware of each other.  When one car brakes suddenly, cars several yards behind the vehicle could get a safety warning before they get too close V2V communications can be used when walking, riding bikes or motorcycles, or driving older vehicles with add-on or mobile devices such as smart cell phones
NHTSA is committed to improving safety and mobility on our nation's roadways. As we look ahead to the next stage of roadway safety in America, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology shows great promise in transforming the way Americans travel. Using V2V technology, vehicles ranging from cars to trucks and buses to trains could one day be able to communicate important safety and mobility information to one another that can help save lives, prevent injuries, ease traffic congestion, and improve the environment.



Safety Pilot Model Deployment Technical Fact Sheet (pdf)

Safety Pilot Model Deployment Map (pdf)

Safety Pilot Driver Acceptance Clinics Results (pdf)