November 7, 2001
Bridgeport, Connecticut

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Date(s) of Birth Used June 26, 1991
Hair Long Dark Brown
Eyes Hazel
Height 4'11"
Weight 115 pounds
Sex Female
Race White (Hispanic)


Bianca was last seen wearing beige pants, a beige and green shirt, black boots, and a dark blue jeans jacket. Bianca has a very small mole in the center of her forehead.


Bianca Lebron was last seen on November 7, 2001 in front of her school in Bridgeport, Connecticut. She was standing outside with some friends when a brown or tan van approached the group of children. Bianca allegedly told two of her friends that she was going to the shopping mall with her "uncle" before getting into the van. Bianca has neither been seen nor heard from since that morning.


The suspect is a Hispanic male in his 20s, 5'8" to 6'0", medium build, with light to medium brown skin, curly brown hair, and long sideburns that frame his jaw line to the chin. He was last seen wearing blue jeans, a blue shirt, and brown work boots.

Submit a Tip:

If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: New Haven

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