Data Tools

The EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) provide center-unique tools for functions such as searching and subsettting data. The links provided in the category tables below list and describe some of these available data-handling and service tools. The tools are grouped loosely into broad categories that indicate the primary function of each tool, for example, data handling, visualization and analysis, search and order, etc.

Click one of the categories below to jump to the category table and view the tools.

Search and Order Tools

Search and Order Tools
Title Description DAAC
ASDC Data Pool An on-line, short-term data cache providing a Web interface and FTP access to select ASDC data products. Specially subsetted and/or reformatted data products supporting field campaigns are also available. ASDC
ASDC Order Tool The tool allows users to search our data holdings without logging in to the system. User must log in before ordering data. Searches can be done by project, parameter, and data set, and searches can be refined by selecting a geographic region or time range. The ordering tool is available in HTML. ASDC
ASDC Search and Subset Applications The ASDC Search and Subset Applications provide Spatial, Temporal, and Parameter subsetting options for CALIPSO LIDAR Level 1/Level 2, CERES Level 3/Level 2, MISR, TES Level 2, and MOPITT Level 2 datasets using a specialized high-resolution spatial/temporal metadata database. Subset results are generated in the same HDF format as the archived files; The TES and MOPITT Subsetters also provide the option of generating subsetted output in NetCDF3 format. ASDC
Atmospheric Composition Data and Information Services Center (ACDISC) The tool provides convenient access to AC data and information from various remote-sensing missions, from heritage TOMS, SBUV, SSBUV and UARS datasets, to the most recent data from Aqua AIRS, Aura OMI, MLS, HIRDLS as well as AC datasets residing at other remote archive sites. GES DISC
CALIPSO Search and Subset Tool The CALIPSO Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering CALIPSO lidar data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESDRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. ASDC
CERES Search and Subset Tool This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering select CERES data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. ASDC
Earthdata Search Earthdata Search provides easy-to-use access to EOSDIS services for Earth science data discovery, filtering, visualization, and access. Through these services, Earthdata Search allows users to search, preview, and download Earth observation data. Earthdata Search uses the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) for very fast (sub-second) search across the EOSDIS metadata catalog and simpler, faster access to faceted metadata. Earthdata Search enables high-performance, highly available data visualization. Earthdata Search provides data visualizations on a web-based map using the Global Browse Imagery Services (GIBS) tile service. Earthdata Search enables users to view even more precise map imagery and thumbnails for GIBS-enabled data collections. In addition to direct download, Earthdata Search surfaces services such as OPeNDAP for simpler spatial and parameter subsetting. cross-DAAC
Earth Explorer (EE) The Earth Explorer (EE) tool provides users the ability to query, search, and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products from several sources. EE provides access to MODIS land data products from the NASA Terra and Aqua missions, and ASTER level-1B data products over the U.S. and Territories from the NASA ASTER mission. LP DAAC
ENTRI The Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is a comprehensive database for accessing multilateral environmental treaty data. Using ENTRI you can find treaty texts and country and treaty status data. The ENTRI Conference of Parties (COP) decision search tool allows you to search the text of decisions produced by the Parties to a selected subset of multilateral environmental agreements. SEDAC
GCMD A directory to Earth science data, services, and climate diagnostics, the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) allows users to discover and access more than 25,000 Earth science data sets and services covering all aspects of Earth and environmental sciences. Users can search using controlled keywords, free-text, map/date, or any combination of these. Users can also search or refine a search by DAAC, location, instrument, platform, project, or temporal/spatial resolution. cross-DAAC
GDEx This GDEx tool allows users to browse and download ASTER GDEM data based on geographic areas of interest or predefined regions, including state, province, and county (for the United States). Data output from GDEx is available in GeoTIFF or ArcASCII format. GDEx is the result of collaboration between the LP DAAC and George Mason University’s Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems. LP DAAC
GHRSST Master Metadata Repository A Web-based interactive tool for data discovery and download for all Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) products. The MMR provides a simple spatial/temporal/product search interface to discover and directly access all GHRSST products, irrespective of their location at the PO.DAAC, NOAA NODC or regional data provider distribution node. PO.DAAC
GloVis The USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) allows users to search, browse, and order ASTER and MODIS data. Users click on a global locator map to view ASTER or MODIS images for their selected geographic area. LP DAAC
HyDRO The Hydrologic Data Search, Retrieval, and Order (HyDRO) system allows the user to search data set holdings at GHRC. HyDRO provides a list of GHRC data sets specific to the user’s requirements. Users are able to browse the online information and tools or services for each data set. They can download online data sets by FTP or place an order. GHRC DAAC
Land Processes Data Pool The Data Pool offers direct online access to all the LP DAAC EOS products at no cost to the user. This includes all MODIS land collections and ASTER L1B products that cover the U.S. and its Territories. LP DAAC
Mercury (Advanced Product Search) Mercury is a Web-based system for searching metadata and retrieving selected data. Data and documentation can reside anywhere on the Internet, including in a DAAC or, for a project, on the individual data providers’ servers. Mercury keeps the central metadata current by updating its database every night. Mercury supports international metadata standards and is compatible with Internet search engines. ORNL DAAC
  • Simplified web interface for searching, browsing, and ordering Earth science data at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).
  • Features include (quick response, data file hit estimator, Gazetteer, and interactive shopping cart).
  • Available data include AIRS, Aura (MLS, HIRDLS, OMI), SORCE, TOMS, TRMM, UARS, and MODIS subsets for A-Train.
MISR Level 3 Imagery Visualization of parameters contained in the MISR Level 3 global data products such as radiances, aerosol optical depth, surface reflectance, and vegetation indices are available. The Level 3 products are averages of select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. MISR Level 3 data are available for viewing, animating, and downloading from the Web. ASDC
MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) Order and Customization Tool
  • Allows users to order and customize data in a single interface.
  • Features include: non-consecutive path and orbit search, sorting search results by date, camera, path, orbit, and file version.
  • Customization options include: subsetting by parameter, block, and spatial coordinates, add latitude and longitude layers, unpacking and unscaling applicable fields.
  • Allows users to save searches and customizations.
  • Support EOS Validation site subsets.
  • Output data format in HDF-EOS stacked-block grid or conventional grid
MODAPS L1 and Atmospheres Archive and Distribution System (LAADS) Online web-based data ordering for MODIS Level 1, Atmospheres, geo metadata and ancilliary products. Capabilities include parameter, geographic, and temporal subsetting, metadata search, masking, channel subsetting, tile and granule reprojection, GeoTIFF reformatting and mosaicing. User friendly services including order tracking, data delivery options (ftp push, pull, direct download) and shopping cart function. Direct access is available via FTP for MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere, geo metadata and ancillary products. LAADS
MODIS Land Product Subsets, Collection 5 Users can select subsets of selected land products from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor or 1052 Collection 5 field sites. These subsetted products, which are in ASCll format for a 7 x 7 km area centered on the field sites, are useful for tracking seasonal dynamics and for validating remote sensing products. Currently, 18 MODIS Land Products from MODIS sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua platforms are offered, along with a tool for creating graphs of single composite periods or time series of the entire period of record. ORNL DAAC
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) Web-based tool to obtain data for any location on earth. Users select a site either from a pick list or by entering geographic coordinates, and the area surrounding that site, from 1 pixel up to 201 X 201 km. Selected data can be viewed in Google Map, Google Earth, MODIS-WebGIS, or Tile Mapper. The tool provides time series plots of the selected measurement, an ASCII file of the pixel values for the selected product along with quality information, average and standard deviations for the selected area, and a file that can be imported directly into GIS software. A land cover grid (IGBP classification) of the area, and an estimate of heterogeneity (Shannon richness and evenness) is also provided. Additional features are in development. ORNL DAAC
MOPITT Search and Subset Tool The MOPITT Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering MOPITT global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. ASDC
MRTWeb MRTWeb combines familiar capabilities of the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) and the downloadable MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT).The MRTWeb interface organizes GloVis and MRT functionality into three main tabs: Selection, Process, and Download. Submitted jobs are run with MRT processing software across multiple servers at the LP DAAC. Output data sets are staged on a job-specific FTP directory for user download. No media options are available from MRTWeb. LP DAAC
Noesis: Semantic Search Tool Noesis is a semantic search tool that uses an ontology to guide users to browse the concept space and focus their search term. In addition to being a semantically-enhanced search engine, Noesis is also a resource aggregator collating relevant information from distributed resources. It is an example of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) leveraging distributed web services for semantic mediation and interaction with other search tools. GHRC DAAC
NSIDC Data Pool The NSIDC Data Pool is a data cache that provides FTP access to AMSR-E, ICESat/GLAS, MODIS, and NISE products. A simple Web search interface helps you quickly locate data of interest. The Data Pool provides some reformatting, reprojecting, and subsetting capabilities for AMSR-E and MODIS data. NSIDC DAAC
OPeNDAP (PO.DAAC) OPeNDAP (developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided by PO.DAAC for the following data sets- QuikSCAT, GHRSST, TOPEX/POSEIDON, SSM/I, and MODIS SST. PO.DAAC
OPeNDAP (GES DISC) OPeNDAP (developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided to select AIRS, TRMM, GLDAS, TOMS, and OMI data at the GES DISC. GES DISC
OPeNDAP (LaRC) OPeNDAP (developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided to select MISR, TES, MOPITT, and CERES data products at the LaRC ASDC. ASDC
Operation IceBridge Data Portal The Operation IceBridge Data Portal provides access to all Operation IceBridge flight reports and map-based visualization of Greenland flight tracks. Using spatial and temporal filters, users can easily visualize flight tracks, review specific details of the flights, and download the full reports. Users now also have access to all available Operation IceBridge science data through the ftp hierarchy. NSIDC DAAC
Polaris Polaris allows for searching and receiving NSIDC data with the new infrastructure that supports users finding and browsing actual data holdings online. It serves as a navigation point for limited NSIDC data sets adding subsetting, reformatting, and reprojecting capabilities. Users can get file-level, on-the-fly browse access to selected NSIDC data sets and immediate access to the data as it is archived at NSIDC. You can also reformat, reproject, and subset the data on-the-fly, with live downloads available via the data queue as soon as your request is completed. NSIDC DAAC
SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) SeaDAS is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS. Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. OB.DAAC
Simple Subset Wizard The Simple Subset Wizard provides a simple, easy-to-use interface for requesting data subset services from 10 of the 12 EOSDIS DAACs. GES DISC
Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) SDAT is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. ORNL DAAC
TES Search and Subset Tool This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering TES global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation. Output can be requested in HDF-EOS or netCDF. ASDC
Vertex Vertex is ASF’s Data Portal designed to discovery and download data from the ASF Datapool. All SAR products available through the ASF DAAC can be downloaded through Vertex. The interface provides the ability to search for data geographically and by date range. Browse products can be examined and the geographic location of each frame is visible on the map provided. ASF DAAC

Data Handling Tools

Data Handling Tools

Read/Ingest, Format Conversion, Data Manipulation

Title Description DAAC
ASF MapReady Tool Suite
  • Supports ASF SAR data and CEOS data from a variety of other SAR facilities
  • Enables a user to geocode the data using a variety of projections and standard datums
  • Enables user to terrain correct (orthorectify) the data
  • Enables a user to export the images as geotiffs for use in GIS programs
  • Enables a user to export the images as tiffs, jpegs, or pgm files for easy viewing
  • Includes a CEOS metadata viewer
  • Displays thumbnails of imagery as it is loaded
  • Displays thumbnails of imagery that it has processed
  • Includes a simple image viewer
ASF SAR Training Processor
  • Enables user to follow the steps as a SAR image is processed from Level 0 raw data to a Level 1 image via the range-Doppler technique.
  • Writes and displays images at each selected processing stage, giving user visibility into the intermediate steps of the process.
  • Enables user to modify various parameters as well as steps that are performed to visualize the impact of each on the final product.
CERES Search and Subset Tool This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering select CERES data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. ASDC
Earth Science Markup Language (ESML) ESML is an interchange technology that enables data (both structural and semantic) interoperability with applications without enforcing a standard format within the Earth science community. Users can write external files using ESML schema to describe the structure of the data file. Applications can utilize the ESML Library to parse this description file and decode the data format. As a result, software developers can now build data format independent scientific applications utilizing the ESML technology. Furthermore, semantic tags can be added to the ESML files by linking different domain ontologies to provide a complete machine understandable data description. This ESML description file allows the development of intelligent applications that can now understand and “use” the data. GHRC DAAC
Earth Explorer (EE) The Earth Explorer (EE) tool provides users the ability to query, search, and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products from several sources. EE provides access to MODIS land data products from the NASA Terra and Aqua missions, and ASTER level-1B data products over the U.S. and Territories from the NASA ASTER mission. LP DAAC
GDEx This GDEx tool allows users to browse and download ASTER GDEM data based on geographic areas of interest or predefined regions, including state, province, and county (for the United States). Data output from GDEx is available in GeoTIFF or ArcASCII format. GDEx is the result of collaboration between the LP DAAC and George Mason University’s Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems. LP DAAC
GLAS Visualizer The IDL Visualizer reads data from an ICESat/GLAS file making the file viewable as graphical summaries of variables. NSIDC DAAC
GLIDER: Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with on-line video tutorials. PO.DAAC
HI-TIDE HI-TIDE is an evolving web interface built upon a set of web services supporting flexible and efficient search, imaging, and extraction capabilities for Level 2 swath datasets. PO DAAC
LDOPE The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a commandline interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. LP DAAC
MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) Order and Customization Tool
  • Allows users to order and customize data in a single interface.
  • Features include: non-consecutive path and orbit search, sorting search results by date, camera, path, orbit, and file version.
  • Customization options include: subsetting by parameter, block, and spatial coordinates, add latitude and longitude layers, unpacking and unscaling applicable fields.
  • Allows users to save searches and customizations.
  • Support EOS Validation site subsets.
  • Output data format in HDF-EOS stacked-block grid or conventional grid
MISR ENVI Tool Imports MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid and Terrain stacked block data into ENVI, allowsautomatic geolocation and correctly interprets band information. The tool consists ofa set of routines written in IDL programming language which implement an ENVI User Function for working with MISR L1B2 data. MISR map projection definitions are provided for augmenting the ENVI defined map projections file, and a sample ENVI menu file which adds a menu item to invoke this tool is also included. ASDC
MISR hdfscan A data browser for files in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), and HDF Earth Observing System (EOS) extension (HDF-EOS) formats. It is specifically written to facilitate access to Terra MISR data products. In particular, many MISR-unique functions are incorporated into the tool, such as data scaling, reformatting, unpacking, fill value recognition, and flag value interpretation. However, because of the standard formats provided by HDF and HDF-EOS, hdfscan can also serve as the general purpose tool for use with any other files making use of these formats. ASDC
MISR Toolkit A simplified programming toolkit to access MISR Level 1B2, Level 2, and ancillary data products. The collection of routines that can be used as command line tools or in the development of larger software applications. The toolkit also handles the MISR conventional format.
Features include:
  • specifying regions to read based on geographic bounding box, geographic location and extent, or the MISR path and block range
  • mapping between path, orbit, block, time range and geographic location
  • automatically stitching, unpacking and unscaling MISR data
  • performing coordinate conversions between lat/lon, SOM x/y, block/line/sample and line/sample of a data plane, which means geo-location can be computed instantly without referring to an ancillary data set lookup
MODIS Land Product Subsets, Collection 5 Users can select subsets of selected land products from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor or 1052 Collection 5 field sites. These subsetted products, which are in ASCll format for a 7 x 7 km area centered on the field sites, are useful for tracking seasonal dynamics and for validating remote sensing products. Currently, 18 MODIS Land Products from MODIS sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua platforms are offered, along with a tool for creating graphs of single composite periods or time series of the entire period of record. ORNL DAAC
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) Web-based tool to obtain data for any location on earth. Users select a site either from a pick list or by entering geographic coordinates, and the area surrounding that site, from 1 pixel up to 201 X 201 km. Selected data can be viewed in Google Map, Google Earth, MODIS-WebGIS, or Tile Mapper. The tool provides time series plots of the selected measurement, an ASCII file of the pixel values for the selected product along with quality information, average and standard deviations for the selected area, and a file that can be imported directly into GIS software. A land cover grid (IGBP classification) of the area, and an estimate of heterogeneity (Shannon richness and evenness) is also provided. Additional features are in development. ORNL DAAC
MRT The NSIDC GLAS Altimetry elevation extractor Tool (NGAT) extracts elevation and geoid data from GLAS altimetry products (GLA06 and GLA12-15) and outputs latitude, longitude, elevation, and geoid in ASCII columns. LP DAAC
MRTSwath The MODIS Reprojection Tool Swath (MRTSwath) provides the capability to transform some MODIS Level 1B and all Level 2 land products from HDF-EOS swath format to a uniformly gridded image that is geographically referenced. The software supports spatial and spectral subsetting, performs geographic transformations, and writes the output to file formats including HDF, GeoTIFF, raw and binary. The MRT is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. LP DAAC
MRTWeb MRTWeb combines familiar capabilities of the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) and the downloadable MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT).The MRTWeb interface organizes GloVis and MRT functionality into three main tabs: Selection, Process, and Download. Submitted jobs are run with MRT processing software across multiple servers at the LP DAAC. Output data sets are staged on a job-specific FTP directory for user download. No media options are available from MRTWeb. LP DAAC
NGAT MapReady tool The NSIDC GLAS Altimetry elevation extractor Tool (NGAT) extracts elevation and geoid data from GLAS altimetry products (GLA06 and GLA12-15) and outputs latitude, longitude, elevation, and geoid in ASCII columns. NSIDC DAAC
Noesis: Semantic Search Tool Noesis is a semantic search tool that uses an ontology to guide users to browse the concept space and focus their search term. In addition to being a semantically-enhanced search engine, Noesis is also a resource aggregator collating relevant information from distributed resources. It is an example of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) leveraging distributed web services for semantic mediation and interaction with other search tools. GHRC DAAC
NSIDC Data Pool The NSIDC Data Pool is a data cache that provides FTP access to AMSR-E, ICESat/GLAS, MODIS, and NISE products. A simple Web search interface helps you quickly locate data of interest. The Data Pool provides some reformatting, reprojecting, and subsetting capabilities for AMSR-E and MODIS data. NSIDC DAAC
PO.DAAC Live Access Server The Live Access Server (LAS) enables the web user to: visualize data with on-the-fly graphics; request custom subsets of variables in a choice of file formats; access background reference material about the data (metadata); compare (difference) variables from distributed locations. LAS is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data. PO.DAAC
Polaris Polaris allows for searching and receiving NSIDC data with the new infrastructure that supports users finding and browsing actual data holdings online. It serves as a navigation point for limited NSIDC data sets adding subsetting, reformatting, and reprojecting capabilities. Users can get file-level, on-the-fly browse access to selected NSIDC data sets and immediate access to the data as it is archived at NSIDC. You can also reformat, reproject, and subset the data on-the-fly, with live downloads available via the data queue as soon as your request is completed. NSIDC DAAC
READ_HDF This command-line program allows a user to view the contents of an HDF file, as well as subset the data therein. Data can be subset along any dimension, or the entire data can be dumped if no subset options are given. There is also a mode to print a hierarchical tree list of the objects in the file. Data can be sent to an ASCll text file, a set of flat binary files, or displayed on the screen (default). GES DISC
Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) The NASA Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) is a situational awareness tool that integrates satellite, airborne and surface data sets; weather information; model and forecast outputs; and vehicle state data (e.g., aircraft navigation, satellite tracks and instrument field-of-views) for field experiment management using Google Earth. RTMM optimizes science and logistic decision-making during field experiments by presenting timely data, graphics and visualizations to the users to improve real time situational awareness of the experiment’s assets. GHRC DAAC
SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) SeaDAS is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS. Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. OB.DAAC
Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) SDAT is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. ORNL DAAC
Toolsets for Airborne Data (TAD) The Toolsets for Airborne Data (TAD) is an intuitive user interface for variable selection across different airborne field studies and includes features to create merge files based on a user’s choice of time base. In addition, the TAD merge feature allows users to generate standard deviation and to process point-by-point uncertainties and limit of detection values. For a quick walkthrough of TAD, there is a short YouTube video tutorial link on the top right hand corner. ASDC
Tool for Working with MISR Data Tools are available for Orbit/Date and Latitude/Longitude to Path/Block Conversion, extracting data and metadata and calculating block center times. ASDC
view_hdf A freely available IDL-based display and analysis tool for accessing data stored in HDF and HDF-EOS format. Variables from either Science Data Sets or vdata structures in a HDF file, can be subset, rendered as two and three-dimensional graphics, and plotted as geolocated data onto various world map projections. Other features include multiple variable plots, difference plots, and simple statistics. ASDC

Subsetting and Filtering Tools

Subsetting and Filtering Tools

Temporal, Spatial, Parameter, Channel

Title Description DAAC

ASDC Data Pool

An on-line, short-term data cache providing a Web interface and FTP access to select ASDC data products. Specially subsetted and/or reformatted data products supporting field campaigns are also available.


ASDC Order Tool

The tool allows users to search our data holdings without logging in to the system. User must log in before ordering data. Searches can be done by project, parameter, and data set, and searches can be refined by selecting a geographic region or time range. The ordering tool is available in HTML.


ASDC Search and Subset Applications

The ASDC Search and Subset Applications provide Spatial, Temporal, and Parameter subsetting options for CALIPSO LIDAR Level 1/Level 2, CERES Level 3/Level 2, MISR, TES Level 2, and MOPITT Level 2 datasets using a specialized high-resolution spatial/temporal metadata database. Subset results are generated in the same HDF format as the archived files; The TES and MOPITT Subsetters also provide the option of generating subsetted output in NetCDF3 format.


CALIPSO Search and Subset Tool

The CALIPSO Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering CALIPSO lidar data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESDRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF.


CERES Search and Subset Tool

This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering select CERES data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF.


Earth Explorer (EE)

The Earth Explorer (EE) tool provides users the ability to query, search, and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products from several sources. EE provides access to MODIS land data products from the NASA Terra and Aqua missions, and ASTER level-1B data products over the U.S. and Territories from the NASA ASTER mission.



The Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is a comprehensive database for accessing multilateral environmental treaty data. Using ENTRI you can find treaty texts and country and treaty status data. The ENTRI Conference of Parties (COP) decision search tool allows you to search the text of decisions produced by the Parties to a selected subset of multilateral environmental agreements.



The GDEx tool allows users to browse and download ASTER GDEM data based on geographic areas of interest or predefined regions, including state, province, and county (for the United States). Data output from GDEx is available in GeoTIFF or ArcASCII format. GDEx is the result of collaboration between the LP DAAC and George Mason University’s Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems.


GLIDER: Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research

Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with on-line video tutorials.


HEW (HDF-EOS Web-based) Subsetter

HEW (HDF-EOS Web-based subsetter) can extract a subset of any grid or swath data file that is in HDF-EOS format. Subsetting can be performed on:
  • Latitude and longitude (rectangular areas)
  • Date and time span (swath data)
  • Dataset parameter, e.g., instrument or sensor HEW is also capable of subsampling by extracting every Nth point of data.

As a stand-alone subsetter, HEW uses a user-friendly web-based front-end to gather the user’s subsetting criteria and then submits the subsetting job to the batch queue. The subsetter engine (back-end) can also be used separately by substituting a site-specific front-end in place of HEW’s web-based interface.


HI-TIDE (HIgh-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction)

HI-TIDE is an evolving web interface built upon a set of web services supporting flexible and efficient search, imaging, and extraction capabilities for Level 2 swath datasets.


ICESat/GLAS Subsetter

ICESat/GLAS data users are able to subset GLAS data products by area of interest and time period, as well as enter multiple sets of spatial coordinates.


Land Processes Data Pool

The Data Pool offers direct online access to all the LP DAAC EOS products at no cost to the user. This includes all MODIS land collections and ASTER L1B products that cover the U.S. and its Territories.



The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a commandline interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.


MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) Order and Customization Tool

  • Allows users to order and customize data in a single interface.
  • Features include: non-consecutive path and orbit search, sorting search results by date, camera, path, orbit, and file version.
  • Customization options include: subsetting by parameter, block, and spatial coordinates, add latitude and longitude layers, unpacking and unscaling applicable fields.
  • Allows users to save searches and customizations.
  • Support EOS Validation site subsets.
  • Output data format in HDF-EOS stacked-block grid or conventional grid


MISR Toolkit

A simplified programming toolkit to access MISR Level 1B2, Level 2, and ancillary data products. The collection of routines that can be used as command line tools or in the development of larger software applications. The toolkit also handles the MISR conventional format.

Features include:

  • specifying regions to read based on geographic bounding box, geographic location and extent, or the MISR path and block range
  • mapping between path, orbit, block, time range and geographic location
  • automatically stitching, unpacking and unscaling MISR data
  • performing coordinate conversions between lat/lon, SOM x/y, block/line/sample and line/sample of a data plane, which means geo-location can be computed instantly without referring to an ancillary data set lookup


MODIS Land Product Subsets, Collection 5

Users can select subsets of selected land products from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor or 1052 Collection 5 field sites. These subsetted products, which are in ASCll format for a 7 x 7 km area centered on the field sites, are useful for tracking seasonal dynamics and for validating remote sensing products. Currently, 18 MODIS Land Products from MODIS sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua platforms are offered, along with a tool for creating graphs of single composite periods or time series of the entire period of record.


MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool)

Web-based tool to obtain data for any location on earth. Users select a site either from a pick list or by entering geographic coordinates, and the area surrounding that site, from 1 pixel up to 201 X 201 km. Selected data can be viewed in Google Map, Google Earth, MODIS-WebGIS, or Tile Mapper. The tool provides time series plots of the selected measurement, an ASCII file of the pixel values for the selected product along with quality information, average and standard deviations for the selected area, and a file that can be imported directly into GIS software. A land cover grid (IGBP classification) of the area, and an estimate of heterogeneity (Shannon richness and evenness) is also provided. Additional features are in development.


MODAPS L1 and Atmospheres Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Online web-based data ordering for MODIS Level 1, Atmospheres, geo metadata and ancilliary products. Capabilities include parameter, geographic, and temporal subsetting, metadata search, masking, channel subsetting, tile and granule reprojection, GeoTIFF reformatting and mosaicing. User friendly services including order tracking, data delivery options (ftp push, pull, direct download) and shopping cart function. Direct access is available via FTP for MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere, geo metadata and ancillary products.


MOPITT Search and Subset Tool

The MOPITT Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering MOPITT global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF.



The MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) enables users to read MODIS Level 2G, Level 3, and Level 4 land products in HDF-EOS format. The software supports mosaicking, spatial and spectral subsetting, performs geographic transformation to a different map projection, and writes the output to file formats including HDF, GeoTIFF, raw and binary. The MRT is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.



The MODIS Reprojection Tool Swath (MRTSwath) provides the capability to transform some MODIS Level 1B and all Level 2 land products from HDF-EOS swath format to a uniformly gridded image that is geographically referenced. The software supports spatial and spectral subsetting, performs geographic transformations, and writes the output to file formats including HDF, GeoTIFF, raw and binary. The MRT is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.



MRTWeb combines familiar capabilities of the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) and the downloadable MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT).The MRTWeb interface organizes GloVis and MRT functionality into three main tabs: Selection, Process, and Download. Submitted jobs are run with MRT processing software across multiple servers at the LP DAAC. Output data sets are staged on a job-specific FTP directory for user download. No media options are available from MRTWeb.


PO.DAAC Live Access Server

The Live Access Server (LAS) enables the web user to: visualize data with on-the-fly graphics; request custom subsets of variables in a choice of file formats; access background reference material about the data (metadata); compare (difference) variables from distributed locations. LAS is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data.


Population Estimation Service

The Population Estimation Service allows for estimating population totals and related statistics within a user-defined region. The service is accessible through three standard protocols used by many online map tools and clients: the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Processing Service (WPS) standard, a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface, and a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface. Standards-based clients such as uDig are able to submit requests using the OGC WPS. Users of ArcGIS software from ESRI can submit requests through SOAP. The REST interface is intended for use with lightweight javascript clients.

To access the Population Estimation Service, users need to work with an online map client or Geographic Information System (GIS) software package that supports spatial queries through one of the three supported protocols. The service interfaces are available at:



Polaris allows for searching and receiving NSIDC data with the new infrastructure that supports users finding and browsing actual data holdings online. It serves as a navigation point for limited NSIDC data sets adding subsetting, reformatting, and reprojecting capabilities. Users can get file-level, on-the-fly browse access to selected NSIDC data sets and immediate access to the data as it is archived at NSIDC. You can also reformat, reproject, and subset the data on-the-fly, with live downloads available via the data queue as soon as your request is completed.


Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM)

The NASA Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) is a situational awareness tool that integrates satellite, airborne and surface data sets; weather information; model and forecast outputs; and vehicle state data (e.g., aircraft navigation, satellite tracks and instrument field-of-views) for field experiment management using Google Earth. RTMM optimizes science and logistic decision-making during field experiments by presenting timely data, graphics and visualizations to the users to improve real time situational awareness of the experiment’s assets.


SAGE II Binary File Subset Tool

This software subsets SAGE II binary format files. The tool is written in IDL programming language. It can be run either with a licensed version of the IDL package or by using the IDL Virtual Machine freeware.

Subsets may be specified by latitude and longitude regions and/or by parameter. The selected subset is written to an ASCII output file along with header information forprofiles that match the subset criteria.


SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS)

SeaDAS is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS. Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats.


Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT)

SDAT is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method.


Simple Subset Wizard

The Simple Subset Wizard provides a simple, easy-to-use interface for requesting data subset services from 10 of the 12 EOSDIS DAACs.



A companion program to HSE, SPOT can be used to check HDF-EOS files for subsettability by HSE. SPOT is invoked using a simple command-line interface. It checks that:
  • The file exists and is readable
  • The file is in HDF format
  • The file is in HDF-EOS format
  • The file contains valid HDF-EOS structures
  • The file contains the metadata needed for subsetting


TES Search and Subset Tool

This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering TES global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation. Output can be requested in HDF-EOS or netCDF.



A freely available IDL-based display and analysis tool for accessing data stored in HDF and HDF-EOS format. Variables from either Science Data Sets or vdata structures in a HDF file, can be subset, rendered as two and three-dimensional graphics, and plotted as geolocated data onto various world map projections. Other features include multiple variable plots, difference plots, and simple statistics.


Geolocation, Reprojection, and Mapping Tools

Geolocation, Reprojection, and Mapping Tools
Title Description DAAC


Use this suite of software tools to subset and grid Level-1B and Level-2A AMSR-E swath data. These tools make it easy to process data into custom grids with any temporal or spatial resolution. AS2GT is not a standalone toolkit, but is part of the NSIDC Passive Microwave Swath Data Tools (PMSDT).


ASF MapReady Tool Suite

  • Supports ASF SAR data and CEOS data from a variety of other SAR facilities
  • Enables a user to geocode the data using a variety of projections and standard datums
  • Enables user to terrain correct (orthorectify) the data
  • Enables a user to export the images as geotiffs for use in GIS programs
  • Enables a user to export the images as tiffs, jpegs, or pgm files for easy viewing
  • Includes a CEOS metadata viewer
  • Displays thumbnails of imagery as it is loaded
  • Displays thumbnails of imagery that it has processed
  • Includes a simple image viewer


Atlas of the Cryosphere

This National Snow and Ice Data Center web site allows visitors to explore and dynamically map the Earth’s frozen regions. Viewed from a polar perspective, the available scenes include snow cover, sea ice extent and concentration, glaciers, permafrost, and other critical components of the Earth’s cryosphere.


Earth Explorer (EE)

The Earth Explorer (EE) tool provides users the ability to query, search, and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products from several sources. EE provides access to MODIS land data products from the NASA Terra and Aqua missions, and ASTER level-1B data products over the U.S. and Territories from the NASA ASTER mission.


EASE-Grid Geolocation Tools

EASE-Grid tools include IDL routines and map projections for geolocation and conversion tools to use with EASE-Grid data sets.


GLIDER: Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research

Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with on-line video tutorials.


Land Processes Data Pool

The Data Pool offers direct online access to all the LP DAAC EOS products at no cost to the user. This includes all MODIS land collections and ASTER L1B products that cover the U.S. and its Territories.



The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a commandline interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.


MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) Order and Customization Tool

  • Allows users to order and customize data in a single interface.
  • Features include: non-consecutive path and orbit search, sorting search results by date, camera, path, orbit, and file version.
  • Customization options include: subsetting by parameter, block, and spatial coordinates, add latitude and longitude layers, unpacking and unscaling applicable fields.
  • Allows users to save searches and customizations.
  • Support EOS Validation site subsets.
  • Output data format in HDF-EOS stacked-block grid or conventional grid



Imports MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid and Terrain stacked block data into ENVI, allowsautomatic geolocation and correctly interprets band information. The tool consists ofa set of routines written in IDL programming language which implement an ENVI User Function for working with MISR L1B2 data. MISR map projection definitions are provided for augmenting the ENVI defined map projections file, and a sample ENVI menu file which adds a menu item to invoke this tool is also included.


MISR Toolkit

A simplified programming toolkit to access MISR Level 1B2, Level 2, and ancillary data products. The collection of routines that can be used as command line tools or in the development of larger software applications. The toolkit also handles the MISR conventional format. Features include:
  • specifying regions to read based on geographic bounding box, geographic location and extent, or the MISR path and block range
  • mapping between path, orbit, block, time range and geographic location
  • automatically stitching, unpacking and unscaling MISR data
  • performing coordinate conversions between lat/lon, SOM x/y, block/line/sample and line/sample of a data plane, which means geo-location can be computed instantly without referring to an ancillary data set lookup


MODAPS L1 and Atmospheres Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Online web-based data ordering for MODIS Level 1, Atmospheres, geo metadata and ancilliary products. Capabilities include parameter, geographic, and temporal subsetting, metadata search, masking, channel subsetting, tile and granule reprojection, GeoTIFF reformatting and mosaicing. User friendly services including order tracking, data delivery options (ftp push, pull, direct download) and shopping cart function. Direct access is available via FTP for MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere, geo metadata and ancillary products.


MODIS Land Product Subsets, Collection 5

Users can select subsets of selected land products from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor or 1052 Collection 5 field sites. These subsetted products, which are in ASCll format for a 7 x 7 km area centered on the field sites, are useful for tracking seasonal dynamics and for validating remote sensing products. Currently, 18 MODIS Land Products from MODIS sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua platforms are offered, along with a tool for creating graphs of single composite periods or time series of the entire period of record.


MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool)

Web-based tool to obtain data for any location on earth. Users select a site either from a pick list or by entering geographic coordinates, and the area surrounding that site, from 1 pixel up to 201 X 201 km. Selected data can be viewed in Google Map, Google Earth, MODIS-WebGIS, or Tile Mapper. The tool provides time series plots of the selected measurement, an ASCII file of the pixel values for the selected product along with quality information, average and standard deviations for the selected area, and a file that can be imported directly into GIS software. A land cover grid (IGBP classification) of the area, and an estimate of heterogeneity (Shannon richness and evenness) is also provided. Additional features are in development.



The MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) enables users to read MODIS Level 2G, Level 3, and Level 4 land products in HDF-EOS format. The software supports spatial subsetting and spectral subsetting, performs geographic transformation to a different coordinate system or cartographic projection, and writes the output to file formats other than HDF-EOS (GeoTIFF, raw, binary). The MRT is supported on several platforms including SGI and Sun UNIX, Windows and Linux.



The MODIS Reprojection Tool Swath (MRTSwath) provides the capability to transform MODIS Level 1B and Level 2 land products from HDF-EOS swath format to a uniformly gridded image that is geographically referenced. The software supports spatial subsetting and spectral subsetting, performs geographic transformations, and writes the output to file formats other than HDF-EOS (GeoTIFF, raw, binary). The MRTSwath is supported on several platforms including SGI and Sun UNIX, Windows and Linux.



MRTWeb 2.0 combines familiar capabilities of the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) and the downloadable MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT). The MRTWeb interface organizes GloVis and MRT functionality into three main tabs: Selection, Process, and Download. Submitted jobs are run with MRT 4.0 processing software across multiple servers at the LP DAAC. Output data sets are staged on a job-specific ftp directory for user download. No media options are available with MRTWeb.



The MODIS Swath-to-Grid Toolbox (MS2GT) is a set of software tools that read HDF-EOS files containing MODIS swath data and produce flat binary files with gridded data in a variety of map projections. MS2GT consists of three Perl programs that make calls to several standalone IDL and C programs.


PO.DAAC Live Access Server

The Live Access Server (LAS) enables the web user to: visualize data with on-the-fly graphics; request custom subsets of variables in a choice of file formats; access background reference material about the data (metadata); compare (difference) variables from distributed locations. LAS is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data.



Polaris allows for searching and receiving NSIDC data with the new infrastructure that supports users finding and browsing actual data holdings online. It serves as a navigation point for limited NSIDC data sets adding subsetting, reformatting, and reprojecting capabilities. Users can get file-level, on-the-fly browse access to selected NSIDC data sets and immediate access to the data as it is archived at NSIDC. You can also reformat, reproject, and subset the data on-the-fly, with live downloads available via the data queue as soon as your request is completed.


Population Estimation Service

The Population Estimation Service is a Web-based service for estimating population totals and related statistics within a user-defined region. It enables users of a wide variety of map clients and tools to quickly obtain estimates of the number of people residing in specific areas without having to download and analyze large amounts of spatial data. The service accepts polygons that define areas of interest, then returns population totals, land area, quality measures, and basic parametric statistics for the requested polygons based on data from SEDAC's Gridded Population of the World version 3 (GPWv3) dataset for the year 2005.


Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM)

The NASA Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) is a situational awareness tool that integrates satellite, airborne and surface data sets; weather information; model and forecast outputs; and vehicle state data (e.g., aircraft navigation, satellite tracks and instrument field-of-views) for field experiment management using Google Earth. RTMM optimizes science and logistic decision-making during field experiments by presenting timely data, graphics and visualizations to the users to improve real time situational awareness of the experiment’s assets.


SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS)

SeaDAS is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS. Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats.


SEDAC Map Client

The SEDAC Map Client is a web-based mapping tool that allows flexible interaction with spatial data from CIESIN'?s SEDAC and other sources. The map client may be used to explore SEDAC global data holdings, organized by themes of human-environment interactions. The integrated visualization, analysis, and display of geospatial data will be of primary interest to fundamental and applied researchers, operational users, and public policy experts in the social and earth sciences.


Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT)

SDAT is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method.



A companion program to HSE, SPOT can be used to check HDF-EOS files for subsettability by HSE. SPOT is invoked using a simple command-line interface. It checks that:
  • The file exists and is readable
  • The file is in HDF format
  • The file is in HDF-EOS format
  • The file contains valid HDF-EOS structures
  • The file contains the metadata needed for subsetting



A freely available IDL-based display and analysis tool for accessing data stored in HDF and HDF-EOS format. Variables from either Science Data Sets or vdata structures in a HDF file, can be subset, rendered as two and three-dimensional graphics, and plotted as geolocated data onto various world map projections. Other features include multiple variable plots, difference plots, and simple statistics.



Two Web map servers enable users to access net primary productivity, FLUXNET, and MODIS Land Products Fixed Sites data at the ORNL DAAC, one with global coverage and the other coverage of North America. Users “Query” the map and select a site or group of sites; the server provides links to the data sets associated with that site. Users can view various biogeochemical related map layers, zoom in on areas of interest, and query multiple sites.


Data Visualization & Analysis Tools

Data Visualization & Analysis Tools
Title Description DAAC
Algorithm Development and Mining System (ADaM) The Algorithm Development and Mining (ADaM) system is designed with the goal of mining large scientific data sets for geophysical phenomena detection and feature extraction, and has continued to be expanded and improved for over 10 years. ADaM’s mining and image processing toolkits consist of over 100 interoperable components that can be linked together in a variety of ways for application to diverse problem domains. ADaM includes not only traditional data mining capabilities such as pattern recognition, but also image processing and optimization capabilities, and many supporting data preparation algorithms that are useful in the mining process. Each component is provided with a C, C++, or other application programming interface (API), an executable in support of generic scripting tools (e.g. Perl, Python, shell scripts) and SOAP web service interfaces to support distributed architectures including web and grid applications. The ADaM toolkit is also available as a suite of SOAP web services. WSDL documents are available. GHRC DAAC
Earth Explorer (EE) The Earth Explorer (EE) tool provides users the ability to query, search, and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products from several sources. EE provides access to MODIS land data products from the NASA Terra and Aqua missions, and ASTER level-1B data products over the U.S. and Territories from the NASA ASTER mission. LP DAAC
GDEx GDEx allows users to browse and download ASTER GDEM data based on geographic areas of interest or predefined regions, including state, province, and county (for the United States). Data output from GDEx is available in GeoTIFF or ArcASCII format. GDEx is the result of collaboration between the LP DAAC and George Mason University’s Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems. LP DAAC
Giovanni Giovanni is a Web-based application developed by the GES DISC that provides a simple and intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing data without having to download the data. Giovanni features currently available include:
  • Plot Types for Single Parameters
  • Area plots of time-averaged parameters
  • Time series plots of area-averaged parameters
  • Meridional averages
  • Zonal averages
  • Vertical profiles
  • Longitude-latitude-pressure-time cross sections
Plot Types for Multi-Parameter Intercomparisons:
  • Area plots of overlain time-averaged parameters
  • Time series plots of area-averaged parameters
  • Difference plots
  • Scatter plots with regression
  • Temporal correlation maps
  • Animations
  • Climatology and anomalies
  • ASCII output for maps and plot
  • Web services for downloading subsetted data
Giovanni supports an ever growing set of EOS and heritage data collections. Examples of these include aerosol data from MODIS (both Aqua and Terra), MISR, and GOCART models; precipitation data from TRMM, multi-satellite analyses, and ground observations; atmospheric chemistry data from OMI, MLS, TOMS, and HALOE; ocean color data from Aqua MODIS and SeaWiFS; and atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles from AIRS. In addition, Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) monthly products are available, as well as CloudSat cloud and MODIS Aqua temperature and humidity data along the A-Train track.
GLAS Visualizer The IDL Visualizer reads data from an ICESat/GLAS file making the file viewable as graphical summaries of variables. NSIDC DAAC
GLIDER: Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with on-line video tutorials. PO.DAAC
GloVis The USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) allows users to search, browse, and order ASTER and MODIS data. Users click on a global locator map to view ASTER or MODIS images for their selected geographic area. LP DAAC
LDOPE The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a commandline interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. LP DAAC
MISR Browse Tool The MISR Browse Tool allows easy access to images from the MISR instrument. The browse images are produced from the ellipsoid product for each camera, reduced to 2.2 km resolution. The MISR red, green, and blue bands are used to create a color image, which are intentionally clipped and gamma-stretched to make cloud, ocean, and land features visible. The images are in JPEG format. Features of the new browse tool are:
  • Searching for images by latitude/longitude region, date, path, and orbit.
  • Displaying crossing paths
  • Displaying block range for selected latitude/longitude region
  • The browse image is overlaid on a map which can be turned on and off
MISR ENVI Tool Imports MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid and Terrain stacked block data into ENVI, allowsautomatic geolocation and correctly interprets band information. The tool consists ofa set of routines written in IDL programming language which implement an ENVI User Function for working with MISR L1B2 data. MISR map projection definitions are provided for augmenting the ENVI defined map projections file, and a sample ENVI menu file which adds a menu item to invoke this tool is also included. ASDC
MISR hdfscan A data browser for files in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), and HDF Earth Observing System (EOS) extension (HDF-EOS) formats. It is specifically written to facilitate access to Terra MISR data products. In particular, many MISR-unique functions are incorporated into the tool, such as data scaling, reformatting, unpacking, fill value recognition, and flag value interpretation. However, because of the standard formats provided by HDF and HDF-EOS, hdfscan can also serve as the general purpose tool for use with any other files making use of these formats. ASDC
MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX) MINX is an interactive application written in IDL that functions both as a general-purpose tool to visualize MISR data and as a specialized tool to retrieve detailed plume heights and wind velocities from wildfire smoke, volcanic, and dust plumes. MINX includes high-level options to:
  • Interactively digitize plumes in order to automatically retrieve heights and winds from MISR multi-angle imagery
  • Make scrollable, single-camera and multi-camera true-color and false-color images of MISR radiance data
  • Create animations of the nine MISR camera images providing a 3-D perspective of MISR scenes
  • Display plots of top-of-atmosphere Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) vs. camera angle for selected pixels
  • Difference images acquired on MISR orbits that share the same ground track
  • Create map views of MISR orbit locations
  • Save images and animations to disk in various formats
MISR Level 3 Imagery Visualization of parameters contained in the MISR Level 3 global data products such as radiances, aerosol optical depth, surface reflectance, and vegetation indices are available. The Level 3 products are averages of select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. MISR Level 3 data are available for viewing, animating, and downloading from the Web. ASDC
MISR Toolkit A simplified programming toolkit to access MISR Level 1B2, Level 2, and ancillary data products. The collection of routines that can be used as command line tools or in the development of larger software applications. The toolkit also handles the MISR conventional format.
Features include:
  • specifying regions to read based on geographic bounding box, geographic location and extent, or the MISR path and block range
  • mapping between path, orbit, block, time range and geographic location
  • automatically stitching, unpacking and unscaling MISR data
  • performing coordinate conversions between lat/lon, SOM x/y, block/line/sample and line/sample of a data plane, which means geo-location can be computed instantly without referring to an ancillary data set lookup
misr_view A freely available IDL-based display and analysis tool, can be used with many types of MISR and AirMISR data. It was specifically designed for use with files that use the HDF-EOS “grid” interface. ASDC
MODAPS L1 and Atmospheres Archive and Distribution System (LAADS) Online web-based data ordering for MODIS Level 1, Atmospheres, geo metadata and ancilliary products. Capabilities include parameter, geographic, and temporal subsetting, metadata search, masking, channel subsetting, tile and granule reprojection, GeoTIFF reformatting and mosaicing. User friendly services including order tracking, data delivery options (ftp push, pull, direct download) and shopping cart function. Direct access is available via FTP for MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere, geo metadata and ancillary products.
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) Web-based tool to obtain data for any location on earth. Users select a site either from a pick list or by entering geographic coordinates, and the area surrounding that site, from 1 pixel up to 201 X 201 km. Selected data can be viewed in Google Map, Google Earth, MODIS-WebGIS, or Tile Mapper. The tool provides time series plots of the selected measurement, an ASCII file of the pixel values for the selected product along with quality information, average and standard deviations for the selected area, and a file that can be imported directly into GIS software. A land cover grid (IGBP classification) of the area, and an estimate of heterogeneity (Shannon richness and evenness) is also provided. Additional features are in development. ORNL DAAC
MODIS Land Product Subsets, Collection 5 Users can select subsets of selected land products from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor or 1052 Collection 5 field sites. These subsetted products, which are in ASCll format for a 7 x 7 km area centered on the field sites, are useful for tracking seasonal dynamics and for validating remote sensing products. Currently, 18 MODIS Land Products from MODIS sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua platforms are offered, along with a tool for creating graphs of single composite periods or time series of the entire period of record. ORNL DAAC
MOPITT Level 2 Viewer IDL-based tool for creating plots of MOPITT Level 2 data products. ASDC
MRTWeb MRTWeb combines familiar capabilities of the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) and the downloadable MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT).The MRTWeb interface organizes GloVis and MRT functionality into three main tabs: Selection, Process, and Download. Submitted jobs are run with MRT processing software across multiple servers at the LP DAAC. Output data sets are staged on a job-specific FTP directory for user download. No media options are available from MRTWeb. LP DAAC
PO.DAAC Live Access Server The Live Access Server (LAS) enables the web user to: visualize data with on-the-fly graphics; request custom subsets of variables in a choice of file formats; access background reference material about the data (metadata); compare (difference) variables from distributed locations. LAS is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data. PO.DAAC
Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) The NASA Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) is a situational awareness tool that integrates satellite, airborne and surface data sets; weather information; model and forecast outputs; and vehicle state data (e.g., aircraft navigation, satellite tracks and instrument field-of-views) for field experiment management using Google Earth. RTMM optimizes science and logistic decision-making during field experiments by presenting timely data, graphics and visualizations to the users to improve real time situational awareness of the experiment’s assets. GHRC DAAC
Satellite Coincidence Search Subscription Server GHRC’s Coincidence Search Engine (CSE) uses a database of two-line element sets (TLEs) to determine when a given satellite will pass over a specified area of the Earth, or when two to four satellites will pass over the same area. The Satellite Coincidence Search Subscription Service (SCS³) client interacts with the existing Coincidence Search Engine via its service interface and with the Earth Observing System (EOS) Clearing House (ECHO) data broker to provide users with direct access to coincident satellite data via a simple user interface. Satellite swath data from all Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) that provide metadata to ECHO are accessible simultaneously. GHRC DAAC
SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) SeaDAS is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS. Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. OB.DAAC
SEDAC Map Client The SEDAC Map Client is a web-based mapping tool that allows flexible interaction with spatial data from CIESIN'?s SEDAC and other sources. The map client may be used to explore SEDAC global data holdings, organized by themes of human-environment interactions. The integrated visualization, analysis, and display of geospatial data will be of primary interest to fundamental and applied researchers, operational users, and public policy experts in the social and earth sciences. SEDAC
Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) SDAT is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. ORNL DAAC
State of the Ocean (SOTO) State of the Ocean (SOTO) provides near real-time data that are displayed in a Google Earth environment and annotated to give context descriptions of the ocean’s features and events using KML overlays (ice extent, hurricane tracks, clouds). It provides data layers for satellite derived sea surface temperature and anomalies, sea surface height anomalies, wind vectors, and ocean color. PO.DAAC
TerraViva! SEDAC Viewer The TerraViva! SEDAC Viewer is a standalone software application (Microsoft Windows-based) that enables the visualization and integration of hundreds of socioeconomic and environmental variables and layers, including many data sets from SEDAC and a range of satellite-based data. TerraViva! is of primary interest to researchers and analysts working in a variety of areas, from environmental and ecological sciences to the social and health sciences. Along with the many global data sets the 2011 update includes 51 ready-made maps, ten GeoData indicator collections with hundreds of variables, and other features – scatter plots, tabular data display, map image production, and Web-based download of additional data layers. SEDAC
TES Search and Subset Tool This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering TES global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation. Output can be requested in HDF-EOS or netCDF. ASDC
view_hdf A freely available IDL-based display and analysis tool for accessing data stored in HDF and HDF-EOS format. Variables from either Science Data Sets or vdata structures in a HDF file, can be subset, rendered as two and three-dimensional graphics, and plotted as geolocated data onto various world map projections. Other features include multiple variable plots, difference plots, and simple statistics. ASDC
Way Point Planning Tool The Waypoint Planning Tool (WPT) is a Java application used to specify aircraft flight tracks through an interactive point-and-click interface. Individual flight legs are automatically calculated for altitude, latitude, longitude, leg distance, cumulative distance, leg time, cumulative time, etc. The resultant flight plan can then be posted to the Google Earth-based RTMM for all interested scientists to view and track actual flight progress compared to the planned flight track. GHRC DAAC

Last Updated: Jan 18, 2017 at 3:37 PM EST
