Hiring Process

Step Name What to Do
1 Apply For A Job Apply for a position at GSA
2 Application Review A Human Resources (HR) Specialist will review your application.
3 Referral After reviewing your application, the HR Specialist will advise you via email whether your resume has been forwarded to the hiring manager for possible interview.
4 Selection & Tentative Offer If you are selected, an HR Specialist will contact you to extend a “tentative job offer.” The offer is “tentative” pending a preliminary background check.
5 Background Check As part of the preliminary background check, you will be fingerprinted and asked to complete the forms for a full background investigation.
6 Final Job Offer If you pass the preliminary background check a full background investigation will be initiated.  In addition:
  • an HR Specialist will contact you with a final job offer
  • your start date will be arranged
The full background investigation will continue after you start GSA.  You will be notified of the results of the full investigation when it is complete.
7 Day One Your first day with GSA. Your first morning with us will begin with “onboarding” and “orientation.”


Last Reviewed 2016-01-19