MXP Methodology

BLS Handbook of Methods, Chapter 15, International Price Indexes

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How are the Import/Export Price Indexes constructed?
  2. What goods and services do the Import/Export Price Indexes measure?
  3. How are the Import/Export Price Indexes weighted?
  4. How are Import/Export Price Index data obtained?

All MXP FAQs »

Measuring Price Change in the U.S. Import/Export Price Indexes for:

Methodology Reports

  • The Pharmaceutical Industry: An Overview of CPI, PPI, and IPP Methodology (2011) (HTML)
  • Technical Note (HTML)

Articles and Research Papers

Economic Working Papers

  • Exchange Rates and the Prices of Manufacturing Products Imported into the United States (2002) (PDF)
  • Explaining Tranquility in the Midst of Turbulence: U.S. Multinationals' Intrafirm Trade, 1966-1997 (2001) (HTML)
  • Imputation and Price Indexes: Theory and Evidence from the International Price Program (2001) (HTML)
  • Transfer Pricing, Intrafirm Trade and the BLS International Price Program (2001) (HTML)
  • The Behavior of Intrafirm Trade Prices in U.S. International Price Data (2001) (HTML)
  • Coping with the Rising Yen: Japan's Recent Export Experience (1996) (HTML)
  • Using Dissaggregated Data to Dissect the U.S. Trade Deficit (1995) (HTML)

BLS Statistical Survey Papers

  • Assessing Nonresponse Bias in the International Price Program’s (IPP) Import and Export Price Index Surveys (2009) (HTML)
  • Evaluation of Error Components in a Simulation-Based Evaluation of a Survey Procedure (2008) (HTML)
  • Application of the Bootstrap Method in the International Price Programs (2007) (HTML)
  • Variance Estimations for International Price Program Indexes (2007) (HTML)
  • Using Survival Analysis To Predict Sample Retention Rates (2006) (HTML)
  • Weighting Scheme Comparison in the International Price Program (2005) (HTML)
  • A Note on the Effects of Extreme Price Values on Price Indexes (2002) (HTML)
  • Comparison of Variance Estimation Techniques for a Price Index with Non-Independent Weights (2002) (HTML)
  • A Response Model for the International Price Program (1994) (HTML)

Monthly Labor Review Articles

  • IPP 2008 Year in Review (April 2010) (HTML)
  • Import and Export Price Trends, 2007 (February 2009) (HTML)
  • Price Measures of New Vehicles: A Comparison (July 2008) (HTML)
  • Import and Export Price Trends in 2006 (October 2007) (HTML)
  • Price and Expenditure Measures of Petroleum Products: A Comparison (December 2006) (HTML)
  • Import Price Rise in 2005 Due to Continued High Energy Prices (November 2006) (HTML)
  • IPP Introduces Additional Locality of Origin Import Price Indexes (December 2005) (HTML)
  • U.S. Import and Export Prices in 2004 (July 2005) (HTML)
  • U.S. Import and Export Prices in 2003 (September 2004) (HTML)
  • International Price Comparisons Based on Purchasing Power Parity (October 1999) (HTML)
  • Are Producer Prices Good Proxies for Export Prices? (October 1997) (PDF)

Special Notices

Further Information

For further assistance contact the IPP Section of Information and Analysis at or (202) 691-7101.


Last Modified Date: January 16, 2013