OIA's Evaluation and Assessment Capability (EAC) Section


NSF Evaluation Policy
September 30, 2020

This document outlines key principles guiding evaluation activities conducted or supported by NSF. It is based on current NSF evaluation principles (NSF's Evaluation Principles, 2016; NSF Information Quality Guidelines, 2018); aligned with NSF values of learning, excellence, inclusion, collaboration, integrity, and transparency (NSF Strategic Plan, 2018); and informed by legislation and guidance regarding federal evaluation and performance management activities (including the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, the Data Quality Act of 2001, and Office of Management and Budget guidance OMB-M-20-12).

Video: NSF Learning Agendas -  Performance Improvement Model for the Implementation of Complex Initiatives

The National Science Foundation’s Rebecca Kruse and Jolene Jesse discuss how the learning agenda approach can be used to evaluate progress and enhance NSF’s ability to implement complex initiatives.

About EAC

EAC provides centralized support and resources for data collection, analytics, and the design of evaluation studies and surveys. These activities enable NSF to more consistently evaluate the impacts of its investments, to make more data-driven decisions, and to establish a culture of evidence-based planning and policy-making.

EAC develops a coordinated, agency-wide capacity to:

  • harness high-quality data to improve agency results;
  • introduce and use timely, low-cost evaluations; and
  • strengthen agency-wide use of evidence for program and policy decision making and action.


To enhance NSF capabilities for evaluation, knowledge management, and decision-making while collaborating with internal stakeholders (e.g., directorates and offices) and external stakeholders (e.g., the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) Community, other federal agencies, OMB, OSTP).


To establish NSF as a leader in evidence-based evaluation and assessment of investments in science and engineering research and education.


  • Create innovative approaches to assessing and improving program investment performance.
  • Create and implement novel tools and measures.
  • Catalyze access to and the analysis and application of qualitative and qualitative data.
  • Consult and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to identify and meet assessment and evaluation needs.
  • Connect an array of resources needed to support the NSF evidence-based culture.