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Disability Employment Reasonable Accommodations

Federal agencies are required by law to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified employees with disabilities. The Federal Government may provide you with a reasonable accommodation based on appropriate requests (unless so doing will result in undue hardship to the agencies). For more information, see the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's "Enforcement Guidance: Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship under the Americans with Disabilities Act."

Reasonable accommodations can apply to the duties of the job and/or where and how job tasks are performed. The accommodation should make it easier for the employee to successfully perform the duties of the position. Examples of reasonable accommodations include providing interpreters, readers, or other personal assistance; modifying job duties; restructuring work sites; providing flexible work schedules or work sites (i.e. telework) and providing accessible technology or other workplace adaptive equipment. Telework provides employees additional flexibility by allowing them to work at a geographically convenient alternative worksite, such as home or a telecenter, on an average of at least one day per week.

Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. To request reasonable accommodations:

  • Look at the vacancy announcement
  • Work directly with person arranging the interviews
  • Contact the agency Selective Placement Program Coordinator
  • Contact the hiring manager and engage in an interactive process to clarify what the person needs and identify reasonable accommodations
  • Make an oral or written request; no special language is needed

Additional Resources Relating to Reasonable Accommodations, Assistive Technology and Accessibility

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