Resource Evaluation Program

Gas Hydrates

Technical Recoverability Studies

Methane Hydrates

BOEM efforts to assess gas hydrate resources thus far have focused on the quantity of gas hydrate in-place in the subsurface of the OCS, without reference to that fraction of the in-place resource that can be technically extracted. At this time, we recognize that gas hydrate production technologies are in their infancy and sustained commercial production from gas hydrate reservoirs has not been demonstrated anywhere in the world. Several important short term (< 40 day) production tests in the U.S. and Canadian Arctic regions have proven that gas hydrate in sandy reservoirs can in fact produce gas to the surface, though sustained production rates and ultimate recoverable quantities remain as uncertain variables.

In an effort to better understand the potential producibility of gas hydrate resources, BOEM has engaged in preliminary research efforts utilizing numerical simulation studies. Results indicate that gas hydrate in sand reservoirs, under ideal conditions in the natural environment, are capable of producing gas volumes in excess of 50% of the original gas hydrate in-place.

BOEM Publications

Image of Technical Recoverability of Gas Hydrate Publication Cover

Technical Recoverability of Gas Hydrate