USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Agriculture

“Localize It”: A Voice from the Field

By partnering with local companies in Senegal’s rice value chain, USAID is working to increase food security and decrease poverty. / USAID/Senegal.

“Localize it” is a phrase that increasingly resonates in the world of development. It echoes the growing voice from the field calling for greater local involvement, locally based solutions, and empowerment of local communities. This is all the more true in the context of building partnerships with the private sector to address development objectives. As […]

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Loans in Bangladesh: Stories of Change

Local bank and USAID staff with Somer Ali near his rice milling operation. / USAID Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, hundreds of entrepreneurs have been given fresh starts and second chances, pairing up with USAID-supported local banks to receive the loans that have never before been available.

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First Time Loans Give Grassroots Farmers a Chance to Grow

Carlos Sigue, an agribusiness owner in Mozambique, with his 15-hectare plot where he grows several vegetables, including potatoes, cabbage, and cucumbers. / Scott Haller, USAID

USAID Mozambique and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency are helping to get needed funds into the hands of entrepreneurs so they can grow their businesses.

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Healing Plants to Feed a Nation

High res photo Miriam Otipa

Miriam Otipa was the first women in her village in Kenya to earn a science degree. She wanted to do more to ease farmers’ suffering and is now providing solutions to plant diseases.

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Building the Bridges of the New Silk Road

In Tajikistan, about half of all Tajik rural households do not have access to safe, potable water. USAID helps turn water from a source of conflict to a source of cooperation. / USAID

What would it take to reconnect Central and South Asia along a New Silk Road? Explore USAID’s efforts to link Central and South Asia, and how these efforts are building a more secure, stable and prosperous future for the entire region.

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Feed the Future: Progress in the Goal of Ending Hunger

Emiliano Dominguez Gonzalez displays his recently harvested strawberries in Honduras. Feed the Future helped nearly 7 million farmers like Emiliano last year boost harvests by using new and improved technologies and agricultural practices. / USAID-ACCESO/Fintrac Inc.

As we start 2015, take a moment to learn about global hunger and consider what you can do to help end it. You can start by reading Feed the Future’s “Year in Review.”

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Mobile Agriculture: A Lifeline for Pakistan’s Farmers

A ‘connected’ farmer is sharing information with a ‘non-connected’ farmer in his community. / USAID/Pakistan

USAID is boosting rural incomes through “mobile agriculture,” a promising technology that sends crucial information and financial services directly to farmers’ mobile phones.

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Improving Agriculture to Help Lift Nigerian Families Out of Poverty

Alex Thier (far left) looks on as a Nigerian farmer checks the starch level of his cassava crop. (Photo Credit: USAID)

USAID/Nigeria has been investing in several agriculture activities such as Thai Farms to support local farmers. In fact, Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites (MARKETS II) is the Nigeria Mission’s flagship agriculture activity. This project seeks to connect local farmers to markets, introduce new technology and partnerships, and provide training to farmers to improve production capacity.

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Want to empower women in agriculture? Use technology.

It’s very difficult to effectively manage responsibilities if you have neither the authority over nor access to the required skills, networks, resources, or decision-making power needed to complete critical tasks. Yet, that is the situation women in Tanzania’s agricultural sector face. According to research from the World Bank, women form the majority of Tanzania’s agriculture […]

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Webinar to Highlight How Extension, Technology, and Behavior Change Combine to Improve Agriculture and Nutrition

This blog post is by John Nicholson, SPRING Knowledge Management Manager, JSI Research and Training Institute, and Kristina Beall, SPRING SBCC Project Officer, The Manoff Group.  SPRING is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and helps to strengthen country efforts to scale up high-impact nutrition practices and policies. Leveraging the power […]

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