United States Office of Government Ethics, Preventing Conflicts of Interest in the Executive Branch

Management Reports & Policies

This section provides information about and links to OGE’s performance and strategic documents, compliance reports, administrative policies, procedures, and plans, website policies, social media privacy statement.

Performance & Strategic Documents
This section contains links to OGE’s Strategic Plan, Congressional Budget Justification and Annual Performance Plans, Performance Accountability Reports, and Employee Survey Results.
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Compliance Reports
OGE is required to provide current and accurate reports to Congress, OMB, and other federal entities and/or governing bodies that identify and track progress, trends and the use of resources within the agency.

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Policies & Procedures
This section contains the administrative policies and procedures of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE), such as the agency's policies on ensuring equal employment opportunities and on safeguarding personally identifiable information.
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Website Policies
This section contains the policies that govern the access and use of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics website.

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Third-Party Website Privacy Statement - Social Media
OGE maintains official social media accounts on third-party websites to promote transparency of executive branch decision making processes by raising visibility of the executive branch ethics program. User activity on those third-party websites is governed by the security and privacy policies of the third party websites. OGE does not request, collect, or archive personal information that users submit or publish when engaging with OGE through official OGE third-party accounts.

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Breach of PII Policy PDFpdf

No FEAR Act Data
This page contains statistical data pertaining to equal employment opportunity complaints filed against the agency. This information is posted pursuant to the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (FEAR) Act of 2002.


Privacy Impact Assessment for Financial Disclosure Tracking System pdf


Privacy Impact Assessment for FOIA Tracking and Reporting Application (Nov 2016)pdf


Privacy Impact Assessment for INTEGRITYpdf


Privacy Impact Assessment for OGE Form 201 (December 2016)pdf


Privacy Impact Assessment for OGE Form 201, Automated Submission and Response Systempdf


Privacy Impact Assessment for OGE.gov (Nov 2016)pdf


Privacy Impact Assessment for Speakers Information Form (OGE Form 207)pdf


Privacy Impact Assessment for the Agency Information Management Systempdf
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for the Agency Information Management System.


Privacy Impact Assessment for Use of 3rd Party Websites and Apllicationspdf