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Business tendencies in manufacturing industry in December 2016
среда, 18 јануари 2017

The managers of the business entities assessed that the confidence indicator in manufacturing industry in December 2016 is 0.3
percentage points higher than the previous month, and 4.6 percentage points higher compared to December 2015.
The situation with the current volume of production orders in December 2016 is...

Price index in agriculture, December 2016
понеделник, 16 јануари 2017

According to the data of the State Statistical Office, the price index in agriculture in December 2016 increased by 1.7% in the
group Input, while in the group Output it decreased by 2.0% in comparison with December of the previous year.
In December 2016, compared with December 2015,...

Upcoming news releases:
24.01.2017Average monthly gross wage paid per employee11.2016 
24.01.2017Average monthly net wage paid per employee11.2016 
25.01.2017Energy (monthly data) - preliminary data11.2016 
27.01.2017Industrial producer price indices on the domestic market12.2016 
30.01.2017Farm Structure Survey01.06.2015 - 31.05.2016 
30.01.2017Industrial production volume indices12.2016 
31.01.2017Indices of employees in industry12.2016 
31.01.2017Turnover indices in the Trade sector - preliminary data12.2016 
03.02.2017External trade - preliminary data01-12.2016 
06.02.2017Price indices of catering trade and services01.2017 

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