
Fishing Year 2013 Groundfish Fishery Performance Report Issued
GF Report
The full report on the economic performance of the vessels active in the Northeast groundfish fishery in fishing year 2013 can be accessed from here.
Protected Species Economic Research
GF Council Meeting
This research contributes to legislative and administrative mandates for cost benefit analyses of regulatory actions.
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Social Sciences Branch Collaborates with GMRI on Groundfish Sector Viability study
GF Council Meeting
This multi-year collaborative project evaluates the viability of sectors as businesses and how sectors could use market pricing and leasing data to improve effectiveness See more >>

Photo of the Month

Waterfront Art

Gloria Michelle Research Vessel at Woods Hole lab. Photo by Shelley Dawicki, NEFSC/NOAA

Recent Publications

Min-Yang Lee, Hedonic Pricing of Atlantic Cod: Effects of Size, Freshness and Gear. Marine Resource Economics. 29(3): 259-277. 2014. Available online

Kathryn D Bisack and Gisele Magnusson, Measuring the Economic Value of Increased Precision in Scientific Estimates of Marine Mammal Abundance and Bycatch: Harbor Porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Northeast U.S. Gill-Net Fishery, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 34: 311-321, 2014. Available online

Chhandita Das, Northeast trip cost data - overview, estimation, and predictions. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-227, 2014. Available online

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(File Modified Apr. 06 2016)