Family and Community Engagement

Family and Community Engagement

Family Ambassador Frances Frost

First Family Ambassador at ED!

Frances Frost is the Department's first Family Ambassador, leveraging the parent and family voice and facilitating discussions between the Department and families and other stakeholders. ED’s Family Ambassador also will promote elevation of this exchange to a national level .

Raising the next generation is a shared responsibility. When families, communities and schools work together, students are more successful and the entire community benefits.

Check out the resources supporting the framework for building greater support and capacity in schools, homes and communities, so ALL students have the chance to succeed. Get ideas for how to bring your passion, talents, and energy to help students and to make your neighborhood schools stronger. YOU can make a difference. You can help young people in your neighborhood have a strong start and prepare for college and for their careers.

Promoting Equity through Family-School Partnerships

Striving to support growing populations of diverse students, states are increasingly employing family engagement strategies as a tool to promote educational equity. Many states are developing new and innovative approaches to integrate family engagement programs into their education systems.Read more...

Tools and Support

Parents and Families

Schools and Educators

Programs and Guidance

link to Dual Capacity-Building Framework document.

Programs and Guidance, Special Education

Programs and Guidance, Early Learning



ParentCamp is a free "un-conference" that brings parents, caregivers, community leaders, educators, and children together to have conversations about how best to support students. It is an opportunity for those within the school communities--parents, teachers, students and community and faith-based representatives--to expand relationships, strengthen partnerships, share, network, and learn. Read more.


Archive of ParentCamps

ParentCamp International Washington, DC April 14, 2016
ParentCamp: Improving Literacy Outcomes Washington, DC October 14, 2016

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