Frequently Asked Questions

  ADA/508 friendly site


Can individuals with disabilities and other long-term care needs (who are not eligible in the mandatory group of SSI beneficiaries) be eligible for coverage under the new Medicaid expansion adult group in 2014?

Yes. People with disabilities or who need long term care services and supports may qualify under the new adult group in 2014 if they meet the MAGI-based eligibility standards for that group.  In addition, under the final eligibility and enrollment rule, eligibility for the new adult group based on MAGI does not preclude eligibility for coverage under an optional group that might be otherwise excepted from MAGI methods. Individuals with MAGI-based income up to 133% of the federal poverty level who meet the criteria for the adult group but who need long-term services and supports, can choose to enroll in an optional group that better meets their needs, and they can move from the adult group to the optional eligibility group at any time, if eligible.  Individuals found eligible for the new adult group based on MAGI, but who appear on the application to be potentially eligible for Medicaid on a basis other than MAGI, will be offered a more thorough eligibility determination so that they can have this option.


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