OSC in the Media

Examples of press coverage mentioning the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and its work:

Federal News Radio, "For third time, OSC says burdens on whistleblowers are too high​​," August 5, 2016.

Whistleblowers Protection Blog, "Agency Leaders Praise Whistleblowers, Express Need for Reforms," August 4, 2016.

The Texas Tribune, "Texplainer: Julián Castro’s Hatch Act Violation," July 21, 2016.

Federal News Radio, "OSC whistleblower cases hit record highs in 2015​," July 12, 2016.

Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, "Blum-sponsored whistleblower bill passes House," June 27, 2016.

Federal News Radio, "OSC whistleblower bill passes House," June 22, 2016.

Washington Post, "House seeks to give government watchdogs more bite," June 21, 2016.

USA Today, "VA wait-times still manipulated, whistleblowers say," March 10, 2016. 

The Washington Post "What happens when a whistleblower returns to work after a decade's fight," March 3, 2016.

The Washington Post, "House panel moves to limit 'administrative leave' for federal employees," March 1, 2016.

The New York Times, "TSA Lapses, Retaliation and Bonuses Are Investigated by House Panel," February 23, 2016. 



The New York Times, "US Inquiry Finds Agency Chief Violated Rules," November 24, 2015.

The Washington Post, "No tweeting what you actually think about Clinton or Carson if you're on the clock: new rules for feds," November 13, 2015.

The Washington Post, "Army settles with infection control staffer who exposed hospital's dangers to patient care," October 28, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "VA culture of reprisals against whistleblowers remains strong after scandal," September 22, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "Small government agency defends paying lobbyist six-figure salary," September 17, 2015. 

The New York Times, "After Lapses, TSA Will Target Screening in Overhaul," July 28, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "Farmers vs. fish: Water war heats up with probe into who got millions of dollars," July 8, 2015. 

The Washington Post "The 'candy bowl' is dry. Find out what's happened to border patrol's overtime​," June 17, 2015. 

USA Today, "VA hospital used cheaper anti-psychotic drugs to save money, probe finds," April 22, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "Think before you post: Here's the new federal-workforce guidance on social media," April 16, 2015.

The Washington Post, "House members angry over VA's response to whistleblowers," April 14, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "Isolated. Harassed. Their personal lives investigated. That's life as a VA whistleblower, employees tell Congress," April 14, 2015. 

The Wall Street Journal, "Agency Says VA Whistleblower Cases Have Surged," April 9, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "Ruling: Army owes damages to transgender employee for bathroom dispute," April 8, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "Five Bonneville Power officials lost their positions over veteran-hiring scandal," April 3, 2015. 

The Washington Post, "Bureau of Prisons manager tried moving whistleblowers office to old jail cell," April 1, 2015.

USA Today, "Alabama's VA whistleblowers say they're being punished," March 19, 2015. 

USA Today, "Watchdog: TSA gave expedited screening to convicted felon," March 19, 2015.

The Washington Post, "At VA health facilities, whistleblowers still fear retaliation," March 5, 2016. 

USA Today, "Whistle-blowers: VA still endangering suicidal vets," February 13, 2015. 

USA Today, "Supreme court sides with former TSA air marshal​," January 21, 2015. 

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