Transforming Teaching and Leading

Transforming Teaching and Leading

The U.S. Department of Education recognizes the great work of teachers throughout the country, who give of themselves to improve educational opportunities for all students. We support the work of teachers through initiatives and resources that lift the profession and help educators and students succeed.

Teach to Lead

Leading from the Classroom

Teach to Lead® is an initiative jointly convened by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, ASCD and the U.S. Department of Education. The program's mission is to advance student outcomes by expanding opportunities for teacher leadership. This is achieved by providing resources, facilitating stakeholder consultation, and encouraging professional collaborations to develop and amplify the work of teacher leaders. Teach to Lead envisions a world in which teachers are valued as the foremost experts in instruction and, as such, are leaders of informing, developing, and implementing education policy and practice to steer systematic improvements to benefit student learning.

Mission: Teach to Lead envisions a world in which teachers are valued as the foremost experts in instruction and, as such, are leaders in developing, informing, and implementing education policy and practice to steer systemic improvements to benefit student learning.


  • Increase pathways and opportunities for teachers to exercise leadership
  • Elevate teacher voice to inform and develop policy and practice
  • Expand existing efforts and create models to steer systemic improvements to benefit student learning

The Teachers Edition

The Teachers Edition is a weekly newsletter written by teachers at the Department of Education that celebrates teaching and leading.

The Teachers Edition highlights great teachers and teacher leadership and offers a number of resources, including examples of best practices and links to interesting reading and emerging research that help educators solve problems and answer burning questions.

The RESPECT Initiative to Transform Teaching and Leading

Respect TeachingRESPECT represents a vision to elevate and transform teaching and leading so that our nation's most important profession—educating our young people—becomes its most respected and supported one.

Teaching and Principal Ambassador Fellows

photo of Antero GarciaAntero Garcia served as a Classroom Teaching Fellow in 2010-2011. He is returning for the 2014-1015 school year.

The Teaching and Principal Ambassador Fellowships are designed to improve education for students by involving teachers and principals in the development and implementation of national education policy.

Teaching and Principal Fellows either take a year's leave of absence to come to Washington, D.C., or they keep their day jobs and work for the Department part time. Learn more.

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