PDF: EasyToRead_RecoveryTreatment_012017.pdf

Some people want treatment so they can learn how to stop using drugs and start to regain their lives.

Other people are so deep in their addiction that they don't want to be in treatment. Many people who use drugs go into treatment because the police, their job, or family members make them do it. It might take a while for them to understand that they have a problem and want to stop using drugs. But treatment can work even when someone doesn't want it.

When friends and family show that they care, it can help people stick with treatment even when it's very hard.

There are many things you can do to help someone in treatment:

  • Find treatment services and information.
  • Offer rides to treatment and support groups.
  • Remind the person to take any medicine they are given.
  • Help them find a place to live, if they need one.
  • Help them get a job, if they need one.
  • Find things to do that will take their mind off drugs.
  • Help them avoid places and people that might tempt them to take drugs again.
  • Talk with them about their feelings and drug cravings.
  • Understand if they relapse, and help them get back into treatment quickly.