PDF: EasyToRead_EffectsOfDrugs_012017.pdf

When parents or other family members use drugs, the children get hurt.

People with drug problems can forget to take care of the kids. There might not be anyone making meals or helping the kids get washed and dressed. There might not be anyone to buy clothes or do the laundry. There might not be anyone to take the kids to the doctor or help with homework.

Drug use can use up the family's money and make parents unable to work and earn money. The kids might go without heat, food, electricity, or even a place to live.

When family members with drug problems are at home, it may not be safe for the kids. They might not be alert enough to protect kids from accidents or from other adults who would harm them. There might be a lot of fighting. They might abuse or neglect the children.

If someone at home is dealing drugs or doing other crimes, it's also dangerous for the kids, and the adults could end up in prison.

When kids grow up with these problems around them, they are more likely to have drug problems of their own. Visit this page to learn how to prevent kids from using drugs.