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Tag archives for Youth

Keeping it Local: One Youth Leader Who Is Fighting Corruption in Ukraine

Taras Sluchyk speaks at public rally in his hometown of Ivano-Frankivsk, urging university students to mobilize. / Courtesy of IRI

On Anti-Corruption Day, learn how Taras Sluchyk became a passionate and engaged leader at the national level, gathering citizens and political and civic activists across Ukraine to join efforts against corruption. USAID continues to build on Taras’ progress in Ukraine, bringing communities together to reduce opportunities and incentives for corruption and create a common vision of a democratic future.

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How Vocational Training Is Changing the Destinies of Morocco’s Youth

Youth participate in a morning sewing class at the Chifae Association, a USAID-supported NGO providing vocational training to local youth in an impoverished urban neighborhood in Tangiers. /USAID

Moroccan youth, who make up a third of their country’s population, represent a massive pool of untapped talent and potential. To help provide them with an alternative, USAID and its partners in Morocco are working together to provide sustainable opportunities for youth.

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Family Planning for the World’s Youth Promotes Peace, Health and Prosperity


With close to 600 million girls growing up in developing countries, achieving global prosperity starts with educating and empowering these young women so they can be healthy, productive members of their communities and become agents of change. This year’s World Population Day encourages us to “Invest in Teenage Girls.” Voluntary family planning is one tool […]

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Even Amid a Humanitarian Crisis, Education Cannot Wait

Victoria Cole, 12, hasn’t let the Ebola crisis interrupt her education. Here she participates in in an outdoor classroom while schools in Liberia were closed during the height of the Ebola epidemic / Neil Brandvold for USAID

During emergencies, education often becomes an afterthought. But without it, children are at increased risk of abuse. No one donor can do this alone. We must work together with countries affected by these crises and our education partners.

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Building Opportunities for Out-of-School Youth in Jordan


USAID launches a program in Jordan to expand non-formal education to 28 new school-based centers. The effort aims to enhance the prospects of vulnerable, out-of-school youth, both Jordanian and Syrian.

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Online to On the Ground: How Students in Virginia Supported Nepal Earthquake Recovery

Students and staff from AidData and the College of William & Mary participating in a Crisis Mapping event in April, 2015. / Hannah Dempsey, AidData

When a devastating earthquake shook Nepal last April, my fellow students at the College of William & Mary and I jumped into action. In mapping affected areas, our efforts helped guide recovery aspects and allow first responders to carry out life-saving efforts.

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New Partnerships Build Roots that Help All Children Thrive

A female community health volunteer counsels a mother from Nepal about caring for her baby after birth. Setting children on a path to healthy physical growth and cognitive development is a priority of the All Children Thriving partnership. / Thomas Cristofoletti, USAID

USAID and its partners are using new, innovative ways to help children grow up healthy and happy, setting them on a path to live full and productive lives.

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Back in the Classroom: Displaced Students in Nigeria Find Education & Hope

Youth displaced by Boko Haram take part in a non-formal learning class in Gombe, Nigeria on Sept. 26 as part of USAID’s Education Crisis Response program. / David Snyder for USAID

The lives of more than 1 million Nigerian children and youth have been derailed by violence. USAID is working to give these internally displaced children a chance to continue their education with community based non-formal learning centers.

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Advocating for Sign Language Education as a Human Right


In some parts of the world, being deaf can mean being cut off from education and left without alternative options. USAID is committed to changing that, working to make sure every child can learn, grow and be empowered.

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To Fight Extremism, The World Needs To Learn How To Talk To Women

A Kurdish female fighter of the Women’s Protection Units looks on at a training camp in al-Qahtaniyah, near the Syrian-Turkish border on Feb. 13. Syrian Kurdish forces have been fighting advances by the Islamic State jihadist group. / Delil Souleiman, AFP

From Iraq to Pakistan to Nigeria, groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram are winning the war for women’s hearts and minds — and it’s time to stop it.

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