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Tag archives for President Obama

Subsistence to Surplus: How Gifty Went from Barely Making Ends Meet to Meeting President Obama

Gifty Jemal Hussein, a smallholder farmer in Ethiopia, spoke with President Obama today.

A surplus harvest seemed almost too good to be true to Gifty, a smallholder farmer in Ethiopia. But with new seeds and some help from the United States, she transformed her farm and her life. Today, she shared the story of her success with President Obama.

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Obama Administration Launches Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture

A boy and a woman struggle with the dusty wind looking for water in Wajir, Kenya

From record droughts in Kansas to deadly wildfires in California, the United States is feeling the effects of climate change. These same conditions have a dire impact across the developing world, especially for poor, rural smallholder farmers whose very lives are threatened every time the rains arrive late, the floods rush in, or the temperature soars.

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A Global Effort to End Extreme Poverty

Alex Thier is Assistant to the Administrator for Policy, Planning, and Learning

For the first time in history – a world without extreme poverty is possible. Read more >>

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Taking Action to Combat Climate Change

Panelists at UN’s climate change negotiations in Warsaw. From left to right: Andrew Steer, WRI, Kit Batten, Nancy Sutley, CEQ and Jonathan Pershing from DOE. Photo credit: Andrea Welsh, USAID

The United States is taking action to combat climate change. Read more >>

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Video of the Week: POTUS on Typhoon Haiyan

POTUS on Haiyan

President Obama delivers remarks on Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Read more >>

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Meeting the President: How the United States is Helping Women Farmers in Senegal

Anna Gaye prepares to demonstrate rice milling to President Obama in Senegal in June 2013. Photo credit: Stephane Tourné

A female rice farmer reflects on President Obama’s visit to the agricultural technology marketplace in Senegal during June 2013. Read more >>

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Donors’ Dialogue on How to Effectively Combat Human Trafficking

Click to read USAID's Counter-Trafficking in Persons Field Guide.

USAID has been actively combating trafficking for over a decade. Read more >>

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USAID at UNGA 2013: Day Two

MDG Countdown 2013

A recap of USAID’s participation during, and around, several events at this year’s United Nations General Assembly. Read more >>

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USAID at UNGA 2013: Day One

Photo credit: USAID

A recap of USAID’s participation during, and around, several events at this year’s United Nations General Assembly. Read more >>

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