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Central Distributor SID: Description of Data Elements - All States
This section describes how HCUP data elements are coded, restrictions on their use, their uniform values, and state-specific coding practices for all years and for all states.
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SID Description of Data Elements - All States

For a description of how HCUP data elements are coded, restriction on use, uniform values, and state-specific coding practices, check the corresponding boxes below and then click the "View Description of Data Elements".

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ADATEAdmission date
ADAYWKAdmission day of week
ADRGAll Patient Refined DRG
ADRGRISKMORTALITYAll Patient Refined DRG mortality risk
ADRGSEVAll Patient Refined DRG severity level
AGEAge in years at admission
AGEDAYAge in days (when age < 1 year)
AGEMONTHAge in months (when age < 11 years)
AHAIDAHA hospital identifier with the leading 6
AHOURAdmission Hour
AMDCAll Patient Refined MDC
AMONTHAdmission month
ANESTHMethod of anesthesia
APGAR1One-minute APGAR score
APGAR5Five-minute APGAR score
ASCHEDAdmission scheduled vs. unscheduled
ASOURCEAdmission source (uniform)
ASOURCEUB92Admission source (UB-92 standard coding)
ASOURCE_XAdmission source (as received from source)
ATYPEAdmission type
AWEEKENDAdmission day is a weekend
AYEARAdmission year
BILLTYPEUB-92 bill type
BLOODPints of blood furnished to the patient
BMONTHBirth month
BWTBirth weight in grams
BYEARBirth year
CCSMGNnCCS-MHSA general category: diagnosis
CCSMSPnCCS-MHSA specific category: diagnosis
CHARGELine item charges (as received from source)
CHGnDetailed charges (as received from source)
CHRONBnChronic condition body system
CHRONnChronic condition indicator
CM_AIDSAHRQ comorbidity measure: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
CM_ALCOHOLAHRQ comorbidity measure: Alcohol abuse
CM_ANEMDEFAHRQ comorbidity measure: Deficiency anemias
CM_ARTHAHRQ comorbidity measure: Rheumatoid arthritis/collagen vascular diseases
CM_BLDLOSSAHRQ comorbidity measure: Chronic blood loss anemia
CM_CHFAHRQ comorbidity measure: Congestive heart failure
CM_CHRNLUNGAHRQ comorbidity measure: Chronic pulmonary disease
CM_COAGAHRQ comorbidity measure: Coagulopathy
CM_DEPRESSAHRQ comorbidity measure: Depression
CM_DMAHRQ comorbidity measure: Diabetes, uncomplicated
CM_DMCXAHRQ comorbidity measure: Diabetes with chronic complications
CM_DRUGAHRQ comorbidity measure: Drug abuse
CM_HTN_CAHRQ comorbidity measure: Hypertension (combine uncomplicated and complicated)
CM_HYPOTHYAHRQ comorbidity measure: Hypothyroidism
CM_LIVERAHRQ comorbidity measure: Liver disease
CM_LYMPHAHRQ comorbidity measure: Lymphoma
CM_LYTESAHRQ comorbidity measure: Fluid and electrolyte disorders
CM_METSAHRQ comorbidity measure: Metastatic cancer
CM_NEUROAHRQ comorbidity measure: Other neurological disorders
CM_OBESEAHRQ comorbidity measure: Obesity
CM_PARAAHRQ comorbidity measure: Paralysis
CM_PERIVASCAHRQ comorbidity measure: Peripheral vascular disorders
CM_PSYCHAHRQ comorbidity measure: Psychoses
CM_PULMCIRCAHRQ comorbidity measure: Pulmonary circulation disorders
CM_RENLFAILAHRQ comorbidity measure: Renal failure
CM_TUMORAHRQ comorbidity measure: Solid tumor without metastasis
CM_ULCERAHRQ comorbidity measure: Peptic ulcer disease excluding bleeding
CM_VALVEAHRQ comorbidity measure: Valvular disease
CM_WGHTLOSSAHRQ comorbidity measure: Weight loss
CPTDAYnNumber of days from admission to CPT
CPTHCPCSLine item CPT-4/HCPCS procedure code (as received from source)
CPTM1_nFirst CPT-4/HCPCS modifier
CPTM2_nSecond CPT-4/HCPCS modifier
CPTMod1Line item CPT-4/HCPCS first modifier (as received from source)
CPTMod2Line item CPT-4/HCPCS second modifier (as received from source)
CPTnCPT/HCPCS procedure code
DCCHPRnCCHPR: principal diagnosis
DDATEDischarge date
DHOURDischarge Hour
DIEDDied during hospitalization
DISPDisposition of patient
DISPUB04Disposition of patient (UB-04 standard coding)
DISPUB92Disposition of patient (UB-92 standard coding)
DISPUNIFORMDisposition of patient (uniform)
DISP_XDisposition of patient (as received from source)
DMONTHDischarge month
DNRDo not resuscitate indicator
DOBDate of birth
DQTRDischarge quarter
DRGDRG in effect on discharge date
DRG10DRG, version 10
DRG18DRG, version 18
DRG24DRG, version 24
DRGVERDRG grouper version used on discharge date
DRG_NoPOADRG in use on discharge date, calculated without POA
DSHOSPIDData source hospital identifier
DSNDXMax number of diagnoses from source
DSNPRMax number of procedures from source
DSNUMData source ID number
DSTYPEData source type
DXATADMITnDiagnosis present at admission
DXCCSnCCS: diagnosis
DXMCCSnMulti-Level CC Diagnosis
DXPOAnDiagnosis present on admission indicator
DXSYSDiagnosis coding system
DXVnValitify Flag: Diagnosis
DaysBetweenVisitsNumber of days between visits
DaysBurnUnitDays in burn care unit (as received from source)
DaysCCUDays in coronary care unit (as received from source)
DaysICUDays in medical/surgical intensive care unit (as received from source)
DaysNICUDays in neonetal care unit (as received from source)
DaysPICUDays in pediatric care unit (as received from source)
DaysShockUnitDays in shock trauma unit (as received from source
DaysToEventDays from 'start date' to admission
ECCSMGNnCCS-MHSA general category: E Code
ECODEnE code
EDHOUREmergency department time of arrival prior to inpatient admission
EDYEAREmergency Department arrival year
E_MCCSnMulti-Level CC E Code
E_POAnE code present on admission indicator
FEMALEIndicator of sex
HCUP_EDHCUP Emergency Department service indicator
HCUP_OSHCUP Observation Stay service indicator
HCUP_SURGERY_BROADRevised HCUP_AS (PCLASSn=3 or 4, or broad definition)
HCUP_SURGERY_NARROWRevised HCUP_AS (PCLASSn=4, or narrow definition)
HISPANIC_XHispanic ethnicity (as received from source)
HOSPBRTHIndicator of birth in this hospital
HOSPIDHCUP hospital identification number
HOSPSTHospital state postal code
HOSPSTCOHospital modified FIPS state/county code
HomelessIndicator that patient is homeless
HospitalUnitIndicator that patient was discharged from a special unit within an acute care hospital (reported by source)
IDNUMBERHCUP AHA ID number without the leading 6
INJURYInjury diagnosis reported on record (1:DX1 is an injury; 2:DX2+ is an injury; 0:No injury)
INJURY_CUTInjury by cutting or piercing (by E codes)
INJURY_DROWNInjury by drowning or submersion (by E codes)
INJURY_FALLInjury by falling (by E codes)
INJURY_FIREInjury by fire, flame or hot object (by E codes)
INJURY_FIREARMInjury by firearm (by E codes)
INJURY_MACHINERYInjury by machinery (by E codes)
INJURY_MVTInjury involving motor vehicle traffic (by E codes)
INJURY_NATUREInjury involving nature or environmental factors (by E codes)
INJURY_POISONInjury by poison (by E codes)
INJURY_STRUCKInjury from being struck by or against (by E codes)
INJURY_SUFFOCATIONInjury by suffocation (by E codes)
INTENSIVECAREIndicator of type of intensive care received by patient (as received from source)
INTENT_ASSAULTInjury by assault indicated on the record (by E codes)
INTENT_SELF_HARMIntentional self harm indicated on the record (by diagnosis and/or E codes)
INTENT_UNINTENTIONALUnintentional injury indicated on the record (by E codes)
KEYHCUP record identifier
LEVELCARELevel of patient care (as received from source)
LOSLength of stay (cleaned)
LOS_XLength of stay (as received from source)
MARITALSTATUSPatient's marital status
MARITALSTATUSUB04Patient's marital status, UB-04 standard coding
MARITALSTATUS_XPatient's marital status (as received from source)
MDBOARD1Physician 1 licensing board (as received from source)
MDBOARD2Physician 2 licensing board (as received from source)
MDCMDC in effect on discharge date
MDC10MDC, version 10
MDC18MDC, version 18
MDC24MDC, version 24
MDC_NoPOAMDC in use on discharge date, calculated without POA
MDID_SAttending physician number (synthetic)
MDNUM1_RPhysician 1 number (re-identified)
MDNUM1_SPhysician 1 number (synthetic)
MDNUM2_RPhysician 2 number (re-identified)
MDNUM2_SPhysician 2 number (synthetic)
MDNUM3_RPhysician 3 number (re-identified)
MDNUM4_RPhysician 4 number (re-identified)
MDNUMTYPE1Physician 1 number type
MDNUMTYPE2Physician 2 number type
MDSPEC1Physician 1 specialty (as received from source)
MDSPEC2Physician 2 specialty (as received from source)
MEDINCSTQMedian household income state quartile for patient ZIP Code
MOMNUM_RMother's number (re-identified)
MRN_RMedical record number (re-identified)
MRN_SMedical record number (synthetic)
MULTINJURYMore than one injury diagnosis reported on record
NCHRONICNumber of chronic conditions
NCPTNumber of CPT/HCPCS procedures on this record
NDXNumber of diagnoses on this record
NECODENumber of E codes on this record
NEOMATNeonatal and/or maternal DX and/or PR
NPRNumber of procedures on this record
NREVCDNumber of revenue codes for this discharge
OBSERVATIONTime for observation services (as received from source)
ORPROCMajor operating room procedure indicator
OS_TIMEObservation stay time summed from UNITS
P7EDSRC_XCondition Code P7, Direct Inpatient Admission from Emergency Room
PAY1Primary expected payer (uniform)
PAY1_NPrimary expected payer, nonuniform
PAY1_XPrimary expected payer (as received from source)
PAY2Secondary expected payer (uniform)
PAY2_XSecondary expected payer (as received from source)
PAY3Tertiary expected payer (uniform)
PAY3_XTertiary expected payer (as received from source)
PAYER1_XPrimary expected payer plan identifier (as received from source)
PAYER2_XSecondary expected payer plan identifier (as received from source)
PCCHPRnCCHPR: principal procedure
PCLASSnProcedure class
PL_CBSAPatient location: Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA)
PL_MSA1993Patient location: Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 1993
PL_NCHS2006Patient Location: NCHS Urban-Rural Code (V2006)
PL_NHCS2006Patient Location: NCHS Urban-Rural Code (V2006)
PL_RUCAPatient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes
PL_RUCA10Patient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes, ten levels
PL_RUCA10_2005Patient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes, ten levels
PL_RUCA2005Patient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes
PL_RUCA4Patient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes, four levels
PL_RUCA4_2005Patient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes, four levels
PL_RUCCPatient location: Rural-Urban Continuum Codes(RUCC)
PL_RUCC2003Patient location: Rural-Urban Continuum Codes(RUCC), 2003
PL_UICPatient location: Urban Influence Codes
PL_UIC2003Patient location: Urban Influence Codes, 2003
PL_UR_CAT4Patient Location: Urban-Rural 4 Categories
PL_UR_CAT5Patient Location: Urban-Rural 5 Categories
PNUM_RPerson number (re-identified)
PNUM_SPerson number (synthetic)
PRCCSnCCS: procedure
PRDATEnDate of procedure
PRDAYnNumber of days from admission
PRMCCSnMulti-Level CC Procedure
PRMONTHnMonth of procedure
PROCESSHCUP-3 discharge processing ID number
PROCTYPEProcedure type indicator
PRSYSProcedure coding system
PRVnValidity Flag: Procedure
PRYEARnYear of procedure
PSTATEPatient State postal code
PSTCOPatient state/county FIPS code
PSTCO2Patient state/county FIPS code, possibly derived from ZIP Code
PointOfOriginUB04Point of origin for admission or visit, UB-04 standard coding
PointOfOrigin_XPoint of origin for admission or visit, as received from source
PrimLangPrimary language of patient
RACERace (uniform)
RACE_XRace (as received from source)
RATELine item rate (as received from source)
REVCDnRevenue code (as received from source)
REVCHGnDetailed charges for revenue code (as received from source)
REVCODELine item revenue code (as received from source)
SEQ_SIDHCUP-3 SID record sequence number
SPLIT_IPEDSplit IP/ED records-single visit, from CAH
SURGID_SPrimary surgeon number (synthetic)
TMDXnTime of onset: diagnosis
TOTCHGTotal charges (cleaned)
TOTCHG_XTotal charges (as received from source)
TOWNPatient town of residence (as received from source)
TRAN_INTransfer in indicator
TRAN_OUTTransfer out indicator
UNITSLine item units (as received from source)
UNITnUnits of service (as received from source)
U_BLOODUtilization Flag: Blood
U_CATHUtilization Flag: Cardiac Catheterization Lab
U_CCUUtilization Flag: Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
U_CHESTXRAYUtilization Flag: Chest X-Ray
U_CTSCANUtilization Flag: Computed Tomography Scan
U_DIALYSISUtilization Flag: Renal Dialysis
U_ECHOUtilization Flag: Echocardiology
U_EDUtilization Flag: Emergency Room
U_EEGUtilization Flag: Electroencephalogram
U_EKGUtilization Flag: Electrocardiogram
U_EPOUtilization Flag: EPO
U_ICUUtilization Flag: Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
U_LITHOTRIPSYUtilization Flag: Lithotripsy
U_MHSAUtilization Flag: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
U_MRTUtilization Flag: Medical Resonance Technology
U_NEWBN2LUtilization Flag: Nursery Level II
U_NEWBN3LUtilization Flag: Nursery Level III
U_NEWBN4LUtilization Flag: Nursery Level IV
U_NUCMEDUtilization Flag: Nuclear Medicine
U_OBSERVATIONUtilization Flag: Observation Room
U_OCCTHERAPYUtilization Flag: Occupational Therapy
U_ORGANACQUtilization Flag: Organ Acquisition
U_OTHIMPLANTSUtilization Flag: Other Implants
U_PACEMAKERUtilization Flag: Pacemaker
U_PHYTHERAPYUtilization Flag: Physical Therapy
U_RADTHERAPYUtilization Flag: Radiology - Therapeutic and/or Chemotherapy Administration
U_RESPTHERAPYUtilization Flag: Respiratory Services
U_SPEECHTHERAPYUtilization Flag: Speech - Language Pathology
U_STRESSUtilization Flag: Cardiac Stress Test
U_ULTRASOUNDUtilization Flag: Ultrasound
VisitLinkVisit linkage variable
YEARCalendar year
ZIPPatient ZIP Code
ZIP3Patient ZIP Code, first 3 digits
ZIPINC_QRTLMedian household income national quartile for patient ZIP Code
ZIP_SPatient ZIP Code (synthetic)
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Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SID Description of Data Elements - Multiple Variables for All States Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). April 2008. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 4/1/08