Air Quality Division

Welcome to the Air Quality Division

The mission of the Air Quality Division is to protect and enhance public health and the environment of Arizona by controlling present and future sources of air pollution.

Our responsibilities include:

  • Collecting and analyzing quality assured and precision ambient air monitoring data;
  • Preparing pollution forecasts to help people limit their exposure to air pollution and air pollution sources;
  • Conducting and collaborating on research and analyses to evaluate pollution sources and their impacts on public health and welfare;
  • Investigating complaints and violations of, and achieving compliance with Arizona's air pollution laws;
  • Issuing permits to industries and other facilities, and for open burning activities that protect public health and welfare;
  • Operating and maintaining accurate, convenient, and affordable vehicle emissions inspections programs;
  • Developing air quality plans and rules through partnerships, collaboration and public involvement.

Helpful Links Within the Air Quality Division

  • Asbestos - Arizona is committed to protecting the public from exposure to regulated asbestos-containing material during activities involving the handling of asbestos. The Air Quality Division closely monitors these activities for proper notification and asbestos emissions control.
  • Assessment - The Air Quality Division uses atmospheric measurements, modeling, and research to continually monitor and assess Arizona's air quality.
  • EPA Clean Power Plan Stakeholder Process - Information and materials from ADEQ's Stakeholder Process
  • Forecasting & High Pollution Advisories - ADEQ's Air Quality Forecasting program provides air quality forecasts for several areas throughout Arizona.
  • Natural & Exceptional Events - Arizona is susceptible to both windblown dust events and smoke events from forest fire, both of which may qualify as exceptional events.
  • Planning (SIPs) - State Implementation Plans (SIP), statutes, ordinances and rules implemented under Title I of the Clean Air Act are continually being updated.
  • Preventing Air Pollution - The Air Quality Division works closely with many federal, state and local agencies to develop a broad range of strategies to help prevent air pollution.
  • Regional Haze & Visibility - There are three basic forms of visibility impairment - a reduction in one's ability to see clearly or far: urban haze, "plume blight", and regional haze. Urban haze, often referred to as "brown cloud", comes from the scattering of light due to various types of pollution from a wide range of sources found in large cities.
  • Rules - Rules are developed through partnerships, collaboration, and public involvement to achieve air quality standards.
  • Smoke Management - The Air Quality Division monitors potential air quality impacts from smoke due to forest fires and issues permits to allow selected open burning activities.
  • Vehicle Emissions - ADEQ administers a mandatory vehicle emissions testing and repair program known as Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP).

Is Arizona's air quality getting better? Phoenix radio station KJZZ spoke with Air Quality Division Director Eric Massey about the EPA's assessment that air quality in the valley is improving.

Related Links

Current Air Quality Conditions
in Maricopa County

The Clean Air Act
The Clean Air Act is federal legislation that establishes the minimum requirements for states and local governments to reduce air pollution.
Other Jurisdictions
Three Arizona counties have their own air pollution control programs and operate pursuant to agreements with ADEQ. In addition to ADEQ, two metropolitan planning organizations in Arizona share in the responsibility of completing state implementation plan requirements for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate pollution (A.R.S. § 49-406).
Air Quality Standards
Federal air quality standards are set by the U.S. EPA Administrator for criteria pollutants considered harmful to the public health and environment.
Most tribal environmental programs are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. EPA. Several tribes have their own air pollution control program. Additional information about many of Arizona's tribes is available through the Intertribal Council of Arizona.