1. User Resources
  2. Data Recipes

Data Recipes

The following is a list of various data recipe resources available from Earth Observing System Data and Information Systems (EOSDIS) components:

Data Recipe information from various Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) located within the Earthdata Forums:

Data Recipe Inventory Table from the Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG) Data Recipes Working Group:


Name Description
Reverb Tutorial How To Guide
Reverb Search Tutorial Video Demo Video
Reverb Image and Timeline Demo Video Demo Video
Reverb Data Retrieval Demo Video Demo Video
Reverb Data Access Cookbook Instructions
ECHO Knowledgebase Reverb FAQ
ECHO Client User Guide ECHO Client Developer Guide
ECHO Data Partner Guide ECHO Data Provider Guide
ECHO REST Search Guide ECHO REST Search Guide
ECHO REST Ingest Guide ECHO REST Ingest Guide

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Name Description
MODIS Collection 5 Active Fire Product User's Guide (v2.5) User guide for using MODIS Collection 5 Active Fire Product (version 2.5)

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Name Description
Online Tutorial on GCMD Search Functionality online tutorial for GCMD search functionality
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, An Online Tutorial online tutorial on the fundamentals of remote sensing
Learn2Map Tutorial and Atlas GIS and mapping tutorial designed as a quick-start intro to the basics of GIS
Introduction to Discrete Return LiDAR tutorial on LiDAR and how it works
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Tutorial tutorial on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
HAZUS: The Flood Information Tool (FIT) tutorial on the HAZUS Flood Information Tool (FIT)
Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Education Tool (POLSARPRO) wide-ranging tutorial and comprehensive documentation to provide a grounding in polarimetry and polarimetric interferometry for stimulating research

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Name Description
GIBS Map Library Usage Several supported map libraries available to take advantage of GIBS via OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS), Tiled Web Map Service (TWMS), and KML files. Includes a set of map libraries, code snippets, working examples, and screen captures designed to help in building a user interface to explore NASA's Earth imagery. Alternatively, these guidelines can also help to integrate that imagery into an existing client or to build scripts to retrieve imagery from GIBS.
GIBS Geographic Information System (GIS) Usage Several GIS and imagery viewing tools support access to NASA's GIBS via OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) and Tiled Web Map Service (TWMS) protocols. Includes a list of tools along with instructions and screen captures to help import imagery into them.

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Name Description
LAADS and DATAPOOL DATA README Data holding description
README for collection 6 DEM files Data holding description
AMS Data README Data Readme
MAIAC Amazon Data Release: Readme Data Release: Readme
MODIS GEOGRAPHIC METADATA Special Geo. metadata description
Frequently Asked Questions faqs
MODAPS production and LAADS archive and distribution documents List of Documents Page

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Name Description
Mapping Our World interactive poster

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Rapid Response

Name Description
Creating reprojected true color MODIS images Tutorial for creating reprojected true color MODIS images

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Name Description
Worldview Tour Interactive tour through Worldview capabilities

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Last Updated: Jan 20, 2017 at 11:46 AM EST
