Active Fire Data

Download active fire products from MODIS (MCD14DL) and VIIRS 375 m (VNP14IMGTDL_NRT) for the last 24, 48 hours and 7 days in shapefile, KML, WMS or text file formats. The VIIRS 375 m active fire product is the latest product to be added to FIRMS. VIIRS data complement the MODIS fire detections but the improved spatial resolution of the 375 m data provides a greater response over fires of relatively small areas. Read more about VIIRS...

MODIS C6 data older than the last 7 days can be obtained from the Archive Download Tool.

FIRMS Shape file and Text file regions



The shapefiles are in the Geographic WGS84 projection.

Download shapefiles for the last 24 and 48 hours, and 7 days.

For MODIS data older than 7 days, use the Archive Download Tool. Older data from VIIRS is not yet available.

MODIS 1 km VIIRS 375 m
World 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Alaska 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Australia and New Zealand 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Canada 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Central America 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Europe 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
North and Central Africa 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Russia and Asia 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
South America 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
South Asia 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
South East Asia 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Southern Africa 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
USA (Conterminous) and Hawaii 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d



Download Keyhole Markup Language files for the last 24 hours and 48 hours. If you have Google Earth installed, you can open the KML directly or you can save it to your local disk for later viewing.

MODIS 1 km VIIRS 375 m
World 24h48h48h* 24h48h48h*
Alaska 24h48h48h* 24h48h48h*
Australia and New Zealand 24h48h48h* 24h 48h 48h*
Canada 24h48h48h*
Central America 24h48h48h* 24h48h48h*
Europe 24h48h48h* 24h48h48h*
North and Central Africa 24h48h48h* 24h48h48h*
Russia and Asia 24h48h48h* 24h 48h 48h*
South America 24h48h48h* 24h 48h 48h*
South Asia 24h48h48h* 24h 48h 48h*
South East Asia 24h48h48h* 24h 48h 48h*
Southern Africa 24h 48h 48h*
USA (Conterminous) and Hawaii 24h48h48h* 24h 48h 48h*



Download text files, in CSV format, for the last 24 and 48 hours, and 7 days.
Access daily text files for the last two months via FTP. To keep file sizes to a minimum, the data are provided by region.

Register to start downloading data.

MODIS 1 km VIIRS 375 m
World 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Alaska 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Australia and New Zealand 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Canada 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Central America 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Europe 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
North and Central Africa 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
Russia and Asia 24h 48h 7d 48h 48h 7d
South America 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
South Asia 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
South East Asia 24h 48h 7d 48h 48h 7d
Southern Africa 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d
USA (Conterminous) and Hawaii 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d



FIRMS fire-based maps (images) are offered through Open GIS Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) and WMS with time support (WMS-T). These services enable users to access the FIRMS active fire data using a local (desktop) or web GIS client. For more information regarding the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) WMS standards, read

FIRMS supports WMS in two projections: Lat-long projection (EPSG:4326) and Web Mercator projection (EPSG:3857 or 900913)



Archive Download Tool

Archive Download Tool

For MODIS data older than the last 7 days, use the Archive Download Tool. The tool provides near real-time (NRT) data and, as it becomes available (usually after 2 months), it is replaced with data extracted from the standard MCD14ML fire product.

Global Fire Maps

Global Fire Maps

FIRMS Web Fire Mapper interface

Interactively browse daily global MODIS and VIIRS fire locations and monthly MODIS burned areas through Web Fire Mapper.

Worldview Global Fire Maps

View MODIS and VIIRS active fire locations while interactively browsing global, full-resolution imagery in Worldview.

FIRMS Global Fire Maps image

Download global 10-day fire maps generated using the MODIS fire locations to represent the current fire activity around the world.

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2017 at 9:38 AM EST
