
The following is a list of publications available from ACL. Most of these publications are available on the Web. However, if the publication is not available on the Web, or if you need a printed copy and are unable to print one, you may submit your request using this order form.

Select the publications that you want to download or order from the following categories (then fill out the patron information, if requesting a mail order):


AoA Publications

Publication Title Download Print Version
AoA Annual Report: 2013 PDF (712KB)
AoA Annual Report: 2012 PDF (667KB)
AoA Annual Report: 2011 PDF (1.01MB)
AoA Annual Report: 2010 PDF (646KB)
AoA Annual Report: 2009 PDF (554KB)
Medicines and You: A Guide for Older Adults PDF (339KB)
Older Americans 2012: Key Indicators of Well Being Available at

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AIDD Publications

Publication Title Download Print Version
PCPID Report to the President, 2012 PDF (895KB)
PCPID Report to the President, Accessible Summary, 2012 PDF (859KB)
AIDD Biennial Report to Congress: FY 2009–FY 2010 PDF (544KB)
HAVA Report to Congress: FY 2009–FY 2010 PDF (140KB)

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AIDD Fact Sheets

AIDD fact sheets provide an overview of the work conducted by AIDD’s Developmental Disabilities Network, including related programs.

Fact Sheet Title Download Print Version Order By Mail
(Qty = 10 max)
AIDD Programs PDF (413KB)
State Councils on Development Disabilities PDF (338KB)
Help America Vote Act PDF (352KB)
Protection and Advocacy Systems PDF (395KB)
President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities PDF (398KB)
Projects of National Significance PDF (412KB)
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service PDF (432KB)

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ACL and AoA Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets are for professionals in the field of aging, service providers and policymakers as well as older Americans and their family members.

Fact Sheet Title Download Print Version Order By Mail
(Qty = 10 max)
Administration for Community Living PDF (198KB)
Administration on Aging PDF (267KB)
10 Warning Signs Your Older Family Member May Need Help PDF (188KB)
A Talk With An Elder Driver PDF (249KB)
Adult Day Care PDF (271KB)
Aging and Disability Resource Centers in a No Wrong Door System PDF (269KB)
Alzheimer’s Disease PDF (252KB)
Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program (ADSSP) PDF (414KB)
American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Program PDF (212KB)
Assisted Living PDF (318KB)
Assistive Technology PDF (277KB)
Caring for Someone with Developmental Disabilities PDF (294KB)
Challenges of Global Aging PDF (280KB)
Communicating Better with Health Professionals PDF (295KB)
Elder Rights: Safeguards for the Most Vulnerable Among Us Fact Sheets PDF (270KB)
Face the Facts: Topics to Discuss Now with Your Aging Parents PDF (321KB)
Government Housing Assistance PDF (275KB)
Home Health Care PDF (260KB)
Home Modifications PDF (307KB)
Hospice Care PDF (252KB)
LifeSpan Respite Care Program PDF (226KB)
Long Term Care Awareness Campaign PDF (221KB)
Long Term Care Ombudsman PDF (210KB)
National Education and Resource Center on Women and Retirement Planning PDF (300KB)
Older Americans Act Nutrition Programs PDF (590KB)
Older Adult Behavioral Health PDF (177KB)
Pension Counseling and Information Projects PDF (228KB)
Protecting America's Seniors: The Elder Abuse Prevention Interventions Program> PDF (296KB)
HIV: Know the RISKS. Get the FACTS PDF (237KB)
Taking Care of Yourself PDF (276KB)
Working Caregivers Finding a Balance PDF (293KB)

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Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Living Tips provide information on a range of issues faced by older adults and their caregivers.

Tip Title Download Print Version Order By Mail
(Qty = 10 max)
Caregiver Survival Tips PDF (681KB)
Family Caregivers and Driving Retirement: Tips for Planning Ahead PDF (417KB)
Family Caregivers and Transportation: A Few Survival Tips PDF (847KB)
Get Set for a Healthy Summer PDF (621KB)
How Do You Know When It's Time to Give Up the Keys? PDF (612KB)
Stay Safe on the Road: Tips for Older Drivers PDF (355KB)
Staying Healthy During the Winter PDF (852KB)
Transportation Choices to Keep You Mobile PDF (792KB)

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Snapshots provide fast facts, figures and statistics on an issue or a particular Administration on Aging program. These easy to read pieces are useful in writing proposals, preparing area plans or for the media.

Snapshot Title Download Print Version Order by Mail
(Quantity =
10 max)
National Family Caregiver Support Program PDF (313KB)
A Statistical Profile of Older American Indian and Native Alaskans PDF (308KB)
A Statistical Profile of Older Asians PDF (264KB)
A Statistical Profile of Older African Americans PDF (212KB)
A Statistical Profile of Older Hispanics PDF (222KB)
A Statistical Profile of Older Americans PDF (268KB)

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Patron Information

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Last Modified: 7/5/2016