Air Quality


Usage of this map and index constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions. The index is based on information from monitoring instruments at representative locations in each region. The index will not reflect local incidents of air pollution. Site-specific conditions may give a false index reading. The EPA is not liable for any consequences from decisions made based on this index.

Click on the map to show more information. Use the 'Show Monitoring Stations' tab to see the location of monitoring stations.


How to Use the Air Quality Index for Health

Step 1 Read ‘What are the short-term effects of air pollution?’  to see if you or your child is likely to be at risk from air pollution. Your doctor may also be able to advise you.


Step 2 Figure out which Air Quality Index for Health (AQIH) region you are in using the map or the list of regions. There are six regions:


Dublin City

Large Towns

Rural West

Cork City

Small Towns

Rural East


Step 3 Check the AQIH for your region on the AQIH map if you think you may be at risk, and are planning strenuous activity outdoors such as sports. If you are close to the border of another AQIH region, check the AQIH for that region also.


Step 4 Read the health advice messages for the current AQIH for your region.


 For detailed instructions and information on the AQIH please see the webpage Air Quality Index for Health.


Ambient Air Quality


Real-time air quality data can be viewed on the webpage Air Quality Data.


All historical EPA air quality data can be downloaded from our Air Quality Archive.


All EPA air quality reports and the latest air quality bulletin can be viewed and downloaded at the webpage Reports and Bulletins.


The environment offers a wealth of benefits to health and well-being, with clean air being particularly important to a population’s general health. The clean natural environment also plays an important role in reducing the burden of chronic disease.

The Environmental Protection Agency is the designated competent authority for the implementation of all Irish and EU ambient air quality legislation.

For further details on this legislation please see the webpage Air Quality Standards.


The EPA is assisted in its role of implementing this legislation by the local authorities, many of whom carry out ambient air quality monitoring which contributes to what is known as the ‘ambient air quality monitoring network’.

For further details on this network, where we monitor and what the air quality is like at individual monitoring sites please see the webpage Air Quality Data.


Air quality in Ireland is generally of a high standard across the country and is amongst the best in Europe; however, levels of some pollutants remain of concern, with those produced by traffic approaching limit values in urban centres. 

Domestic solid fuel use is the other main source of air pollution in Ireland and particularly impacts air quality in areas where the sale of bituminous coal is permitted. As a result, air pollution from the burning of solid fuel can be of a greater concern in smaller towns in Ireland.

For further information on the pollutants that the EPA monitors please see the webpage What We Monitor.


Each year the EPA produces an air quality report. The current EPA air qualtiy report and all previous reports can be downloaded at the webpage Air Quality Reports.




Air quality data

The Environmental Protection Agency manages the National Ambient Air Quality Network.

Air quality monitoring and assessments are made at the locations below. To see monitoring locations on a map of Ireland please use the EPA's Envision Map Viewer.

You can also find information on older assessments, completed before 2004.








  • Tralee (Monitoring finished)
  • Valentia (Current monitoring site) REAL-TIME DATA




  • Emo (Current monitoring site) REAL-TIME DATA
  • Mountrath (Monitoring finished)





  • Castlebar (Current monitoring site) REAL-TIME DATA
  • Claremorris (Current monitoring site) REAL-TIME DATA



  • Kilkitt (Current monitoring site) REAL-TIME DATA





  • Mullingar (Current Monitoring Site) REAL-TIME DATA



  • Bray (Current monitoring site) REAL-TIME DATA

Air quality data in SAFER archive

Summary data for all measurements in the National Ambient Air Quality Network are contained in the annual air quality reports. Complete datafiles for these measurements may be downloaded from the SAFER Archive.

The full year's validated data will be available in the SAFER archive no later than 30 September of the following year. The SAFER archive currently contains data up to 31 December 2011.