Electronic Download

The CFDA established a public FTP site in order to promote sharing of program data, as well as to provide a means for related government systems to download data reliably and efficiently. The FTP site URL is ftp://ftp.cfda.gov and provides users with the ability to anonymously download program data in csv format. There are two available file options:

  1. Daily File: This file is updated nightly and will contain the following limited program data fields: Program Number, Program Title, and Agency. The file name will adhere to the following naming convention: "programsYYDDD" with the 2-digit year and 3-digit Julian day, e.g., programs09159.csv
  2. Weekly File: This file is updated weekly (Sunday night) and will contain ALL program data fields publicly available. The file name will adhere to the following naming convention: "programs-fullYYDDD" with the 2-digit year and 3-digit Julian day, e.g., programs-all09164.csv