Open Data Roundtables

The 2016 Open Data Roundtables

The Open Data Roundtables are gatherings to identify
case studies, lessons learned, and best practices in open data across the Federal government.


The Roundtables support the Federal goal to responsibly unleash government data for the benefit of the American public and maximize the nation’s return on its investment in data.


Open data from government is free, publicly-available data that anyone can use and republish. This important public resource has helped Americans find better value for college, fair housing, and safer medicines. In addition, it helps government agencies operate more efficiently, share information, and engage the citizens they serve.


Federal agencies face many obstacles in making their data as accessible and usable as possible. Agencies have been working on these goals and the Roundtables will help identify scalable solutions across the government.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Center for Open Data Enterprise will co-host four Open Data Roundtables in 2016. The Roundtables are designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Identify open data case studies, learned lessons, and best practices across the Federal government;
  • Strengthen a community of technical, legal, and policy experts in support of open data; and
  • Support continuity and accelerate the progress of open data work.

These Roundtables will bring together participants from Federal agencies, academia, the private sector, and nonprofit organizations. The Roundtables will include experts on all aspects of open data with technical, policy, and legal backgrounds to identify case studies, lessons learned, and best practices.


You can help improve the use of open data. While attendance at the Roundtables will be limited, participation is open and accessible to everyone. Just click on the “Get Involved” button below the topic that interests you. We look forward to hearing from you!


Protecting Privacy Improving Data Quality Applying Research Data Open Data Roundtable on Public-Private Collaboration

How can we open granular information while protecting privacy?

March 24

What are the most efficient and scalable ways to improve data quality?

April 27

How can we best share and apply government-funded research data?

May 25

How can we collaborate to support open data?

June 15

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Contact The Center for Open Data Enterprise for more information about the 2016 Open Data Roundtables.

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