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Energy Sources

Recent Statistics

Energy Ant

Energy statistics can answer questions like — How reliant is the United States on imports? Which renewable fuel do we use most?

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U.S. total energy statistics

Preliminary data for 2015, except where noted1

Total primary energy production 88.6 quadrillion Btu
  • Natural gas
  • Coal
  • Oil (includes crude oil and natural gas plant liquids)
  • Renewable
  • Nuclear
  • 32%
  • 28%
  • 21%
  • 11%
  •   9%
Total energy consumption 97.7 quadrillion Btu
    By fuel/energy source
  • Petroleum
  • Natural gas
  • Coal
  • Renewable
  • Nuclear

  • By end-use sector
  • Industrial
  • Transportation
  • Residential
  • Commercial

  • 36%
  • 29%
  • 16%
  • 10%
  •   9%

  • 32%
  • 28%
  • 21%
  • 18%
Carbon dioxide emissions from 5,271 million metric tons of carbon dioxide
  • Transportation
  • Industrial
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • 35%
  • 27%
  • 20%
  • 17%
Energy consumption/GDPratio
  • 2015
  • 1980
  • 5.97 thousand Btu per 2009 dollar
  • 12.10 thousand Btu per 2009 dollar
Number of households (2009) 113.6 million

Heated by: (2009)

  • Natural gas
  • Electricity
  • Oil
  • Propane
  • Wood
  • Other
  • Do not have or use heating


  • 49%
  • 34%
  • 6%
  • 5%
  • 2%
  • 1%
  • 3%

1Source: Monthly Energy Review, April 2016

More statistics for each energy source

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Crude oil and petroleum statistics

Preliminary data for the United States for 2015. Units are in barrels per day (b/d), except where noted.

Petroleum production (crude oil, other petroleum liquids, and renewable fuels) 13,799,000 b/d
Crude oil production
9,431,000 b/d
U.S. crude oil imports
7,351,000 b/d
Petroleum product imports
2,050,000 b/d
Net petroleum imports
4,651,000 b/d
Dependence on net petroleum imports
Top crude oil supplier
Canada—3,169,000 b/d
Top total petroleum supplier
Canada—3,754,000 b/d
Top crude oil producing state Texas—3,458,000 b/d
Petroleum consumption
19,395,000 b/d
Motor gasoline consumption
9,161,000 b/d (385 million gallons/day)
Share of petroleum consumption for transportation
Total petroleum exports
4,750,000 b/d
Federal motor gasoline tax
18.4 cents/gallon
Average state motor gasoline taxes
26.52 cents/gallon
Federal on-highway diesel fuel taxes
24.40 cents/gallon
Average state on-highway diesel fuel taxes
27.43 cents/gallon
Number of operable petroleum refineries (as of January 1, 2015)
Top petroleum refining state (as of January 1, 2015) #1—Texas 5,233,747 b/d
Proved reserves of crude oil (as of December 31, 2014)
36,385 million barrels
Strategic petroleum reserve
695 million barrels
World total oil supply (2014)
93,201,088 b/d
World total petroleum consumption (2013)
91,253,207 b/d
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Natural gas statistics

Preliminary data for the United States for 2015, except where noted

U.S. production (dry gas production) 27,096 billion cubic feet
U.S. consumption 27,474 billion cubic feet
U.S. imports 2,718 billion cubic feet
U.S. exports 1,784 billion cubic feet
Average price delivered to consumers  
$10.38 per thousand cubic feet
$7.89 per thousand cubic feet
$5.84 per thousand cubic feet
$3.37 per thousand cubic feet
Ranking of state residential prices

Highest—Hawaii, $47.51 per thousand cubic feet

Lowest—Idaho, $8.54 per thousand cubic feet

Natural gas consumption by end use  
  • Electric power
  • Industrial
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Lease and processing plant fuel
  • Transportation (pipeline and vehicle fuel) and other
  • 35%
  • 33%
  • 17%
  • 12%
  •   3%
  •   3%
Top-producing state Texas
World dry natural gas production (2013) 121 trillion cubic feet
World consumption (2013) 122 trillion cubic feet
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Coal statistics

Data for 2013 except where noted.

U.S. production
984.8 million short tons
U.S. consumption
925.1 million short tons
Average delivered price
    Electric utilities
$45.12 per short ton
    Coke plants
$156.99 per short ton
    Other industrial plants
$69.167 per short ton
Largest producing state
Wyoming—387.9 million short tons
Share produced in Western region 54%
Share produced from surface mining 65%
Demonstrated reserve base 480 billion short tons (as of January 2014)
8.9 million short tons
117.7 million short tons
Largest producing coal mine
North Antelope Rochelle Mine/Peabody Powder River Mining LLC.
111.0 million short tons
Leading producing company
Peabody Energy Corporation
183.3 million short tons
Average number of employees/miners
83,396 employees/miners
5.5 tons/miner-hour
1.8 tons/miner-hour
World coal production (2012)
8,694.8 million short tons
World coal consumption (2012)
8,449.5 million short tons

U.S. coal consumption by use
   Electric power sector
   Other industrial
   Coke plants
   Commercial and institutional
858.4 million short tons
43.3 million short tons
21.5 million short tons
1.9 million short tons
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U.S. nuclear statistics

Data for 2015 except where noted.

Total operable nuclear reactors 99
Nuclear electricity net generation 797,178 million kilowatthours
Nuclear percentage of total annual electricity generation 19.5%
Largest nuclear plant Palo Verde—3,937 megawatts (three nuclear reactors)
Number of states with commercial nuclear power plants 30
Top five nuclear electricity generating countries—Share of total world nuclear electricity generation
  • United States
  • France
  • Russia
  • South Korea
  • China
  • 33%
  • 17%
  • 7%
  • 6%
  • 5%
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Fuel ethanol statistics

Preliminary data for the United States for 2015.

U.S. production


14.81 billion gallons

352.52 million barrels

U.S. net imports


-0.75 billion gallons

-17.92 million barrels

U.S. consumption


13.94 billion gallons

331.90 million barrels

Source: Monthly Energy Review, May 2016, Table 10.3

Biodiesel statistics

Preliminary data for the United States for 2015.

U.S. production


1.26 billion gallons

30.06 million barrels

U.S. net imports


0.25 billion gallons

5.86 million barrels

U.S. consumption


1.48 billion gallons

35.15 million barrels

Source: Monthly Energy Review, May 2016, Table 10.4

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Preliminary data for the United States for 2015, except where noted.

Generation from utility-scale power plants

Total net generation 4,087,381 thousand megawatthours
Electric utility net generation 2,331,041 thousand megawatthours
Share of total net generation by energy source  
    Coal 33%
    Natural gas 33%
    Nuclear 20%
    Hydroelectric   6%
    Nonhydro renewables   7%
    Petroleum and other   1%
Number of electricity generators (2014) 19,745
Largest power plant by net generation (2014) Palo Verde (nuclear)—31,320,917 megawatthours

Generation capacity of utility-scale generators

Total electricity generating capacity (net summer)
1,068,422 megawatts
Share of capacity by energy source  
    Natural gas 47%
        Conventional   7%
        Pumped storage   2%
    Nonhydro renewables 10%
    Nuclear   9%
    Petroleum   4%
    Other <1%
Totals may not equal 100% because of independent rounding  
Largest power plant by capacity(2014) Grand Coulee Dam (hydropower)—7,079 megawatts

Consumption and price

Total electricity consumption (end use) 3,863,275 thousand megawatthours
Share of total electricity consumption by type  
Electricity retail sales (total) 96%
  Residential sector 36%
  Commercial sector 35%
  Industrial sector 25%
  Transportation sector <1%
Direct use of electricity   4%
Largest utility by retail sales (within state 2014) Florida Power & Light Company—104,431 thousand megawatthours
Retail prices by sector (average annual)  
    Residential 12.67 cents per kilowatthour (kWh)
    Commercial 10.59 cents per kilowatthour
    Industrial   6.89 cents per kilowatthour
    Transportation 10.17 cents per kilowatthour
    Average 10.42 cents per kilowatthour
State retail price rankings (average annual price for all sector) Highest—Hawaii: 26.17 cents/kWh
Lowest—Washington: 7.41 cents/kWh
Average residential monthly use (2014) 911 kilowatthours
Average residential monthly bill (2014) $110.20


Emissions from power plants (2014)  
    Carbon dioxide (CO2) 2,160,342 thousand metric tons
    Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 3,485 thousand metric tons
    Nitrogen oxides NOx 2,178 thousand metric tons